My Favorite Adaptogenic Herb

in health •  7 years ago 

Ever since my brother joined the military, I have heard the phrase adapt or die just about every time we talk. As you can imagine, some of that philosophy has filtered over into other areas of our life. It is no surprise then that when we started looking at herbal supplements, we were attracted to adaptogenic herbs.

That may sound like a mouthful, but when you look at the first part of that word, adapt, you can surmise pretty quickly what these type of herbs are all about.

Adaptogenic herbs are herbs that grow in harsh climates and have evolved in such a way that they can survive the circumstances.

Sounds fascinating right? Some of these herbs include, Asian Ginseng, Holy Basil, Ashwagandha, and my favorite adaptogen, Rhodiola Rosea.

Rhodiola is not new in the folklore of traditional medicine. There are examples dating back to the Greek physician, Dioscorides in 77 AD. In Tibet, where Rhodiola readily grows in the arctic climate, newlyweds receive Rhodiola as a wish for fertility and happy children.1

While I haven’t noticed any children running around our home yet because of Rhodiola, I have noticed the mental stability and energy that Rhodiola is known for.

Remember all that stress that Adaptogenic herbs endure? Well, because they are able to survive in harsh climates, when they are transferred into a supplement form they give our bodies similar capabilities.

Some of the herbalists I have listened to over the years have mentioned how Rhodiola eliminates their jet lag while flying. Personally, I cannot remember a time when I have had jet lag, and that includes doing international trips.

The link here is for my favorite brand of Rhodiola.

With all the stress that individuals are under in this world, it is a blessing to know that the good Lord has provided ways to stand up under those trials.

Image Sources: 1-2

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I want to have a "go-to" natural health section in my library...

Remind me to come back here and see what you have to offer when I get to that part of my library development! :)



Haha, you got it my friend.

I cant say I have heard of it before, but I will look into Rhodiola.

Can't beat mother nature and life without herbs would be dull indeed.
Adaptive or Adaptogenic plants is an interesting topic.
Better than fake GM's?

Adapt or die is certainly an apt philosophy to adhere to given our hyper-connected and competitive world.

As you alluded to, the Lord provides us with myriad resources to handle any hardship. With that said, the mainstreaming of adaptogens is just what the doctor ordered for modern society, in my opinion.

For anyone interested in learning more about adaptogenic herbs and how to maximize their utility, a resource I recommend is Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief by David Winston and Steven Maimes.

the mainstreaming of adaptogens is just what the doctor ordered for modern society, in my opinion.

I could not agree more. What we need is around us if we look.

I seriously just learned about adaptogens yesterday! I haven't had time to dig any further than that, but it was something I had put on my "learn more about" list. Very timely and informative, thank you!

Haha, timely indeed! Glad you found it valuable.

I'm a great believer in the benefit of herbs @lydon.sipe and used to be involved in an herbal company. I use them daily for various reasons and thank God for His creation of the wealth of natural medicines and food requirements available to us. Preventin is far better (and cheaper in the long run) than cure.

Yeah, well I won't even use himalayan pink salt - I don't put anything in my body that I don't know and I prefer it be local - mind you two of my four food groups are meat and potatoes, but you know where I'm coming from :)
And no, I don't put ketchup on my steak, lol

No ketchup on your steak?! And here I thought I knew you, John. ;)

A lot of research has been done on adaptogenic medicine, even the Russians in their space trips incorporate its benefits, I'm interested in your new post since you talk about a fascinating topic such as health and to achieve to conserve ourselves with vitality and extend the years that God has given us on this planet. Receive my affection @lydon.sipe

Great point! I had forgotten about the Russians, lol.

If I had knowledge of it with a product of 4Life Research (Renuvo) LOL

Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful herbs.

You’re welcome, Sarah.

I was also searching for a lot of foods and herbs to just make a difference on my condition, it is very hard.