Food for thought?

in health •  6 years ago 

As a biohacker its becoming narder and harder to figure out what is healthy and what is not. There are competing narratives promoted by nutritional experts about such simple ideas such as whether eggs are good or bad. Why can't we figure this out?

Various diets such as vegan, low carb high fat, paleo diet etc..., grains, ketosis, supplements, protein, oils, meat,fats, fasting, etc.. are all discussed at length with no real consensus being reached on what is healthy and what is not. Who and how do we know what to believe??

We can really only agree on a few of the things that we know are bad--processed foods, refined sugar, toxic chemicals etc...

One thing i am encouraged about are the various new ways that blood/stool testing can lead to great insight on the general condition of our health, and at the same time providing recomendations on how to make improvements.

Lots more to learn and tons of food for thought out there

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