Pre detoxification letter...

in health •  6 years ago 

I wrote this long ago- reposting ...

Your greatest obstacle on the road to health (believe it or not) will be your family, friends & acquaintances .... here is a letter I've created, that may be useful in this regard... there's nothing worse than someone else making you second guess what you are doing & attempting to drag you back into your old dietary habits .... feel free to copy, paste or use this as your own, to hand out to family & friends...



I've recently uncovered information regarding health & the foods required for our bodies to heal & thrive...

I am embarking on a new journey towards health & wellness, and at times you may find it conflicting with your own dietary views.

This letter is to inform & to educate you of the process that I need to go through, and to eliminate all the presumptions, assumptions & fears that may arise within you...

This diet information that I’ve uncovered goes against what most people today believe & do... you will most likely be wondering why I am avoiding protein like the plague & eating in a way contrary to my previous habits...

I have not developed an eating disorder, I am entering a detoxification process which will cause may changes, ups & downs to take place...

please do not take anything personally if I am avoiding the foods we once shared together.

As I detoxify my body & allow it to heal, I will be going through a long process of transformation.

Yes I may become skinny & malnourished looking during detoxification... yes, you will see many changes in my appearance & personality as I cleanse.

I may even fall ill with cold & flu like symptoms, acne or skin rashes, but I assure You, this is a normal part of the detoxification process (often one will have to get worse before the body heals)...

Once I've gone through this necessary process, my body will reach its normal weight & I will become myself - healthy finally!

So please, bear with me... know that I love you & everything will be okay... this is not a quick fix & will take months to years, there are no quick fixes when it comes to healing...

feel free to ask me anything you wish relating to this process & know that I am not in anyway pushing my lifestyle on you...


#Mariah 🍊Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self...


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