in health •  7 years ago 

Every time there is more evidence of the great benefits of these products, the naturist industry grows at a dizzying pace these products enjoy so much popularity that they have overflowed on the shelves of pharmacies, however there are many doubts about their efficiencies, and that It must to the exaggeration that they pose in their presentation. For this reason I made a brief investigation of what would be the most efficient remedies and what could be a hoax, these are my conclusions:

Its supposed virtues: it is energetic and increases sexual vigor, reduces stress and stimulates the immune system. There is some truth and some exaggeration.
This root is a remedy of Chinese medicine for century, by which the ginseng, produces an extensive variety of vague effects by which can not be specified so that it is more effective and not. Everything is aimed at being an effective weapon for stress because it helps the body to cope with anxiety and repels diseases, it also results in those who start to get old and suffer from exhaustion, for this reason the person who is already starting to getting envenomed is recommended that they take ginseng daily and over time they will feel less stress and have more strength.

This does not mean that a young man who takes or is more rested, can not expect much, that ginseng will not give you superhuman energy or ability to make love 24 hours a day this is false.
Ginseng, has no known undesirable effect but it is advised to avoid its consumption to pregnant women and diabetics and hypertensive, the usual dose is 100 and 200 milligrams of stratum a day.

Its supposed virtues: it combats the loss of memory.
The truth is that it can be effective. It is an extract obtained from the leaves of Ginkgo biloba, it is a tree native to Asia, it could be very effective to face the advance of the neurological degenerative disorders of Alzheimer's disease.

According to studies carried out in Germany in 1996, there was a group of individuals suffering from moderate memory losses, and another was because of the age they were advanced. Taking this stratum provided some improvement. So, it could be said from a point of view. subjective view that the patient who has the disease has been given doses of this extract and satisfactory results have been observed.
For this reason if at any time you feel that your memory is failing consult your doctor to determine the cause and decide if ginkgo may be useful. The products to increase memory is combined with ginkgo and the other ingredients may not be as efficient.

Its supposed virtues: relieves the discomfort of enlarged prostate.
The truth is that it can be very effective. This remedy is the stratum of the fruit of a palm tree native to the United States (Sabal Serrulata) which is also known as the English name saw palmetto. Several studies indicate that it alleviates the difficulty to urinate frequent urination at night and other symptoms. Enlargement of the prostate disorder quite common among men of 50 years. The mode of action of heart of palm is still a mystery, so before consuming a layer of heart of palm, consult your doctor to rule out that the symptoms are due to more serious disorders or a urinary infection, if you have enlarged prostate consult Your doctor about which product to choose.

Good news abounds about the benefits of naturopathic remedies. But you have to know that no pill works miracles on its own.
Thank you for taking a few minutes to read my articles. I hope you will thank me for your support. @maribelquere97.png

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You make a lot of great remarks and true statements, and I find your assessments to be on the cautionary side which I like very much.

One thing I might add is that is difficult to measure the effects a plant or root might bring into the body since sometimes we don't know what the actual active principle is in it (if there is one) and its near to impossible to determine the concentration of it, because it can vary from plant to plant.

Like you said, I would first of all taking advice from a medic before consuming any product that has an effect on the bodies normal function, and try the medicine they recommend first.

Thank you for taking your time to read my article. This has seemed to me a very interesting topic since my father took the heart and through that I was inspired to investigate other naturist remdedios