Depression link between fathers and teenage children ?steemCreated with Sketch.

in health •  7 years ago 

Dr Gemma Lewis from UCL, who led the study, said because mothers tended to spend more time with their children, there was often a tradition of "mother-blaming" when treating mental health issues in offspring. Dr Lewis added: "If you're a father who hasn't sought treatment for your depression, it could have an impact on your child.
The study is based on two large samples of the general population - 6,000 families from Ireland and nearly 8,000 from the UK - in which parents and children, at the ages of seven, nine and 13-14, filled in questionnaires about their feelings. Jo Hardy, head of parents services at charity YoungMinds, said parents often wanted to hide their own mental health problems so as not to burden their children but she said it was better "to be honest and open, and give children a chance to ask questions".

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