12 bahaya rokok elektrik! (12 hazards of electric cigarettes!)

in health •  7 years ago 

Beberapa bahasa rokok elektrik antara lain:

  1. Dapat meledak
  2. Dapat menghambat gerak oksigen dalam tubuh
  3. Kadar nikotin yang tidak tentu
  4. Dapat merusak otak
  5. Gangguan pernapasan
  6. Efek samping proses refill
  7. Menyebabkan Pneunomia
  8. Pusing
  9. Resiko asma
  10. Stroke
  11. Polusi udara
  12. Iritasi paru-paru
    Some of the electric cigar language include:
  13. Can explode
  14. Can inhibit oxygen movement in the body
  15. Uncertain nicotine levels
  16. Can damage the brain
  17. Respiratory disorders
  18. Side effects of the refill process
  19. Causes Pneumonia
  20. Dizziness
  21. Risk of asthma
  22. Stroke
  23. Air pollution
  24. Irritation of the lungs
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nice post ! follow me at @balia