Functional Foods throughout the world

in health •  9 years ago 

Functional Foods

I was in a meeting the other day and was introduced to functional foods. Being in the agriculture industry i was surprised that i have never heard of it. Apparently this is a major market in Japan and continues to grow especially in fresh produce. I find it interesting that in Japan they are creating food to not only be healthy but optimal for day to day nutrition. In Canada and the US we are stuck in modifying food to increase profits and yields with secondary thought to health benefits.

I can imagine the populace would get behind projects that promote this kind of innovation that only benefits the overall health of humans.

I know my knowledge is very limited on this subject but maybe others can add. Definitely interesting!

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Those are all great suggestions. Personally I feel an enormous difference in mental function when I keep a regular practice of some kind. Be it Yoga, martial arts, meditation, even just bicycling around the lake every morning will do wonders for supercharging your brain. It's all about getting things flowing. Too many of us are sedentary, and our body's slow decline into rigidity is mirrored by our minds.

Try these herbs as well, for more mental agility.

Rhodiola Rosea
Gotu Kola
