Are you fond of browsing on the phone before going to bed?

in health •  8 years ago 

Browsing on the phone before going to sleep at night can badly affect on your health. No one can live without mobile phone since it is used in many ways in your life. But most people don’t use it in right way. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do that is mobile checking for any missed call or message. Afterwards you surf internet throughout the day either you are walking or traveling by bus. And the same thing you do before going to sleep. Know how badly it affects on your health:

Surfing internet at night before going to sleep


It is more difficult to fall asleep - Your brain releases a hormone called melatonin that makes people sleepy. The secretion of this hormone depends on the body’s circadian rhythm which is controlled by light exposure. A kind of blue light emits from mobile phone which interrupts the body’s circadian rhythm and instructs the brain not to release melatonin hormone. In lack of melatonin, it is more difficult to fall asleep even after you have kept your phone aside. 

Cell phone radiation effects


It affects the quality of your sleep – Sleeping late at night not only reduces the amount of sleep, but it also affects the quality of sleep. If you check your phone message or email before going to bed, your brain can become tensed which leads to uncomfortable night without sleep.  

Mobile affects the quality of your sleep


It reduces your attention span – Less sleeping can create trouble in your professional life. It can make your decision-making –skills weak and also your productivity gets poorer. Both short term and long term memory can be damaged which can lead to meaningless stress and anxiety.


It adds to the risk of weight gain – less sleeping can reduce your metabolism rate and make you feel hungry. Thus it increases the chances of taking unhealthy light meal throughout the day and leads to heaviness. 

Risk of weight gain


It reduces your immune power – What does your immune system do? Most of you don’t aware of its function. The immune system creates antibodies that fight any kind of bacterial or viral infections happened in your body. And when you sleep not enough, your immune power gets reduced. Thus not only it enhances the chances of falling ill but also decreases the rate of recovery from illnesses.

Surfing internet on mobile at late night can cause weaken immune system


It hurts your skin – The emission of the blue light of a mobile phone induces the body to release cortisol which makes the ski n inflexible. Sleeping late at night can lead to dark circles and swollen eyes across the face.  

The blue light of mobile hurts your skin


Therefore, even if you surf internet for five minutes before going to sleep at night, its effect can last for a longer time and hamper your physical and mental health including your looks. 

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#health    #life    #vaccines    #weight-gain    #gaming

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excellent post thanks for the tip

Most welcome

This is help me a lot!!!


Hurts your sight too. I have been thinking about investing in some glasses to stop the blue light, would you recommend this? I work online and with the years I've begun to grow in concern for my health.

Also, perhaps you can't answer this but someone else can. Isn't melanin the same that causes skin pigmentation? If that's the case, would it be possible that people with different melanin production (lighter/darker skin) would have differences in their sleep processes?

Funny .. definatly not about vaccines though..

It's not about vaccines. I have given the vaccines tag because it is related with health, though I shouldn't add this tag.