A GREEN Drink with a Miracle

in health •  9 years ago 

Hello, this is my very first post here on Steemit and I am very excited to join the group. I want to share a very special story with you that pertains to my wife and in our minds a special "miracle" that accompanies it.

First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Michael and I am a very proud married man with a beautiful little 6 year old girl who I just adore. I have been involved in various Internet Marketing programs as well as website/logo design and again, I am very excited to be a part of steemit as I find myself addicted to reading all the interesting posts here. We as a family are very health conscious and my wife researches daily on how to better our lives on health and financial matters on a daily basis.

For years my wife has experienced severe heartburn and acid reflux that so many people unfortunately have to experience. It came to a point where she decided to visit the doctor as she was finding it impossible to sleep and cope with everyday life. She was given an Upper GI endoscopy which allows the doctor to view inside the lining of her esophagus, her stomach and part of her lower intestine. If they find any abnormalities they actually cut the tissue to further examine it.

Unfortunately , they found an abnormality in my wife's esophagus and tested it. The results came back as Barrett's Esophagus which is a serious complication of GERD, which stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease. In Barrett's esophagus, normal tissue lining the esophagus -- the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach - changes to tissue that resembles the lining of the intestine.
With routine examination, your doctor can discover precancerous and cancer cells early, before they spread and when the disease is easier to treat.

My wife went into a panic! The "cancer" word scared the heck out of her as it does for all of us. What can she do? What will happen with her next examination, will it get worse? What are the treatments? What are the next steps?

We decided to start treatment as soon as she walked out of the examination. As I mentioned earlier, we live a healthy lifestyle as it is but what else can we do? One of the primary goals of treatment is to prevent or slow the development of Barrett's esophagus by treating and controlling acid reflux. This is done with lifestyle changes and medication. Lifestyle changes include taking steps such as:

Make changes in your diet. Fatty foods, chocolate, caffeine, spicy foods, and peppermint can aggravate reflux.
Avoid alcohol, caffeinated drinks, and tobacco.
Lose weight. Being overweight increases your risk for reflux.
Sleep with the head of the bed elevated. Sleeping with your head raised may help prevent the acid in your stomach from flowing up into the esophagus.
Don't lie down for 3 hours after eating.
Take all medicines with plenty of water.

My wife decided to eliminate "meat" and up her consumption of fruits and vegetables. She decided to create a "Green" drink made of the following ingredients.

1 cup of Parsely
1 cup of Cilantro
2 cups of Purified Water
Chopped Ginger
1 full Cucumber
1 cup of Spinach
1 Apple
1 Banana
2 stalks of Celery
1 Bosc Pear

This makes about 100 oz of pure Green drink and she drinks it every morning, everyday! The results within 6 months showed a complete reversal of her "raspy" voice, no more heartburn, she can now lay flat to sleep and most important of all, her latest examination show NO damage to the lining of her esophagus and NO abnormalities to her cells!! To us, a MIRACLE that we see an improvement and little to NO detection of damage or an onset of Cancer.


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With the elimination of meat, what did she consume as a protein source?

Elimination of "red" meat. She continues to consume fish, turkey and chicken but mainly fish along with a healthy fitness regime.