10 reasons for increasing acidity # 10 causes of GastricsteemCreated with Sketch.

in health •  7 years ago 


Many of us suffer from acidity problems. However, some of our habits are responsible for this assidiity. So, if you change some habits, you can get rid of it. Let's not know 10 percent of acid growth.

If you fall asleep after eating, then fall asleep

Many are sleeping at night or at lunch. This creates obstacles until our food goes to the stomach. So it should stay awake for a while after feeding.


Obesity or body excess weight is directly involved with acidity. Therefore, to reduce the acidity, body weight should be controlled.

Eat breakfast in the dark

After eating normal food, many acids accumulate in the stomach. And the amount of acid increases after sleeping at night.

Sour meal

Many of us like to eat salty foods. But those who suffer from acidity problems, it is better not to eat this salty diet. Because one of the main reasons for increasing sourcing is It increases the stomach acidity directly.

Tea coffee and alcohol

Add tea, coffee, alcohol and some drinks to soda directly to acidification. So, those who have severe acidity problems are better off staying away from these beverages.

Smoking increases acidity

There are many types of damage to our body due to smoking. Among them, one of the increases in assidiity.

Eat the medicines

Aspirin may also increase for some medicines for aspirin, ibuprofen and blood pressure.

Foods that have lots of fat

Acidity can be increased by eating lots of foods, such as French fries, butter, ice cream, potato chips.

Acetic acid fruit

Acidity increases due to lemon, pineapple and sour taste. So those who have ACDT do not eat these fruits.


Acidity can be increased due to excessive chocolate intake. So eating extra chocolate is good for the body.

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Be well, Problems when digestible.


For some reason, a part of the stomach or intestine is surgically removed, then digestion will decrease.

From our mouth to the intestine, there are many active enzymes, hormones and chemicals. Chewing or swallowing food particles and dust after the collapse of these chemicals in the blood mesanoi. If you can not do this properly digest food, and the food is not causing any of the other nutrients in the blood. As a result, there is a shortage of different types of material in the body. Anemia, lack of vitamins and minerals, lack of blood, frustrations etc. are the consequences of this. These problems are called malazoscopic syndrome.

This may be malAssersonation due to various reasons. Since pancreatic or pancreatic emit digestion of the primary enzymes, pancreatitis, stomach or tumor abstinence. Some people have low levels of special enzymes, such as lactose intolerance, they can not digest milk and dairy products.

If for some reason a part of the stomach or intestine is surgically removed, then digestion will decrease. There may be some problems in the gut, but there may be such problems. Antibodies are made against antibodies that have gluten, and they do not digest food.

Any diarrhea or indigestion means but not malabrasion. Temporarily due to various reasons (infection or allergy) indigestion can be caused. But for a long time, diarrhea, slippery stomach stool, after the discharge of toilet, which does not go away even after the toilet, weight loss, pale skin, face-to-mouth or lip angle, hair fall, skin dizziness-all these Symptoms of malabrasion. Depression of the child, the lack of protein and water infections may suffer from frequent infections.

If there is a problem of malabsorption or digestion, then with the help of a specialist doctor, diagnosis and treatment should be taken. In most cases this treatment is long-term. Sometimes it is advisable to avoid some food. In some cases treated with modern immuno modulators. There is also a need to eat supplements to meet the lack of adequate vitamins and minerals.

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Start slowly. As you gradually add fiber to your diet, also increase the amount of water you drink. Water is fiber’s best friend. Fiber soaks it up, and this will help you avoid cramping or gas.

Your post is very useful for health.

After eating, there is a need to walk some time but not man. For her, the health of herbs is very effective in digestion.

yes acidity is very hurmful problem for our life.