Coca Cola - How It Affects Your Body & Health

in health •  7 years ago 

We all know that Coca Cola and other sodas are bad for our health, but in schools we never got taught why. We still drink it and ignore possible health problems, but here are some facts about the cola brand!


Coca cola - with a brand value amounting to 73.1 billion U.S. dollars*, it's not surprising that almost the entire population has seen a can or bottle at some point in their life.


Having a good knowledge of the chemicals in Coca Cola will help you understand the effects it has on your body. One popular type of cola, Coca-Cola Light, which claims to have low caffeine content, has other ingredients that are hair-raising. For example, it contains sodium benzoate, carbonated water, orthophosphoric acid, citric acid, aspartame, sodium cyclamate, assorted aromas and food coloring.

One of the chemicals orthophosphoric acid or Phosphoric acid, is high in content in Coke. It's so corrosive that it must be trucked in using special containers in order to guard against and protect the containers from becoming corroded by this ingredient.
Putting chemicals like that into your body seems like a scary thought. If it can damage normal containers, and qualifies for special made ones, doesn't your stomach need a special update? Because it's similar to battery acid.

William Duffy,
Dr. McCay,
The nutritionist at the
Naval Medical Research Institute.

"I was amazed to learn," he testified, "that the beverage contained substantial amounts of phosphoric acid.
At the Naval Medical Research Institute, we put human teeth in a cola beverage and found they softened and
started to dissolve within a short period. The acidity of cola beverages is about the same as vinegar.
The sugar content masks the acidity, and children little realize they are drinking this strange mixture of phosphoric
acid, sugar, caffeine, coloring, and flavoring matter."

Kidney failure:

Lots of studies have been done in the past connecting colas to obesity and diabetes (because of high sugars in the drinks) and now the researchers claim that colas pose a high risk to the kidney’s health. Thereby, patients with kidney disease are not suggested to drink cola.

Teeth and bone damage:

Soft drinks have long been suspected of leading to lower calcium levels and higher phosphate levels in the blood.
When phosphate levels are high and calcium levels are low, calcium is pulled out of the bones.
The phosphate content of soft drinks like Coca -Cola
and Pepsi is very high, and they contain virtually no calcium.

Some other facts:

~Carbonation causes stomach irritation.

~ Consuming too much sugar during pregnancy has been linked to asthma.

~Strokes or coronary illness with regular consumption.

A man put on 2 stone from drinking Coca Cola everyday.

One man from Los Angeles who went up against the test of drinking 10 cans of Coca-Cola a day put on an amazing two stone inside a month.

George Prior, 50, was to a great degree fit before he went up against the test. He left on the "Coke diet" to represent the measure of sugar in one of the world's most famous beverages.

A standard container of Coca-Cola contains an amazing 35g of sugar, which is 7 cubes.

Inside 30 days, Mr Prior saw a huge change in his physical appearance.

His solid and strong physical make-up all of a sudden experienced a redesign that saw a stomach lump and overabundance midsection fat supplant already existing muscle tone.

As Mr Prior was drinking 10 cans of Coke a day, his danger of coronary illness or stroke expanded hugely.

Mr Prior revealed measuring 12 stone when he started the test toward the finish of October. Before the finish of November, he tipped the scales at 14 stone.


This weight pick up is very uncommon, yet another disclosure was that in the wake of disposing of Coke from his eating routine, Mr Prior lost five pounds in four days.

We have no clue what the long term damage has done to Mr Prior, but only time will tell. It's general knowledge that Coca Cola is bad for our bodies, and with information we can make better choices towards our health.

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I can personally agree 100% with your article. After much stomach problems and bloating i cut out soda drinks which was mainly coca cola and lost weight and the problems cleared up.

I have also had family members who have had kidney stones and were drinking shed loads of coca cola at the time and was pointed out by their doctors.

It's not good at all for our health asides the sugar and weight gain alone, but even possibly worse is the diet sodas with aspartame and neotame which should be banned in use for fizzy drinks.

Good informative post

still we drink it ...upvoted

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