Each Of These Health Problems Can be Treated With a Right Sleeping Position

in health •  7 years ago 

Sleeping has a major role in our life. It is extremely important for our health because it repairs and heals the body. Each person sleeps approximately from 7 to 9 hours, meaning in our life time, we sleep around 25 years in total. According to experts, besides sleeping, the sleeping position has a very important significance too.

There are certain sleeping positions which are better in case you suffer from a particular health problem. To find out which sleeping position provides relief from which health problem, keep on reading this article.

The sleeping position impacts the blood pressure. Moreover, it plays a big role in numerous infections. So, if you want to get rid of certain health condition, start with changing the sleeping position.

The following nine sleeping positions will eliminate a lot of health issues:

Heartburn – Sleep on the left side.

Digestive problems – Sleep on the left side to improve digestion by allowing gravity to improve it.

Neck pain – Sleep with a tiny rolled-up towel under the pillowcase or below your neck.

PMS – Sleep with a pillow right below your knees.

Hypertension – Sleep on your stomach with your face turned down to lower the blood pressure.

Sinus problems – Sleep with your head a little bit elevated to prevent the mucus leaking in your sinuses.

Headaches – According to experts, most of the headaches arise from sleeping with a twisted neck. To eliminate it, put pillows around your head in order not to turn overnight.

Back pain – Sleep with a rolled-up towel below the back and a pillow right under the knees.

Shoulder pain – Sleep on the other side and have your legs slightly bent. Or, put a pillow in between your knees.

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