Although I'm sure you clever homeopaths have many protocols of your own to deal with radioactivity and its shenanigans, I wanted to share some of mine which have yielded magnificent results in my own clinic. Not classical but So relevant to my geographical location.
The wind in the region brings with it bizaar diseases which manifest in all ages including my own unvaccinated/undrugged children. Apart from radioactive plants/leaks, Depleted uranium is used abundantly in warfare in the region, and war is plenty in modern world.
I find the nuggets from Robert Davidson and others invaluable as always, and have added my own where relevant, specially in cases where indicated remedies fail to act deeply .... So sharing some here :
Narayani Atomic fall-out
Not sure where my practice would be without it; almost always use for unexplained fertility : will 90% of the time produce mild to terrible skin outbreaks ....patient with the most luminous skin will complain that they've never had such bad skin ....not so wonderful for your reputation but what to do ..... I will mix with Narayani cleansing/Blood mix where relevant.
Added to the above I might add something from here :
Radiation damage:
Ars-iod/Kali-mur/Rad-Brom 6x
Add Lyc or Bromide or Calc-carb if thyroid involved
Bowels: Lyc
Kidneys: Berberis
Take note that thyroid is not the only organ to be adversely affected and hence it is false policy to only utilise iodine. Thyroid is only one organ that is susceptible.
Ambra 3x/erbium1x/1M.oxygen 1M
(Note: South African homeopath noticed flu-like symptoms 3-4 days after nuclear explosion)
Clay 6x/oak1M/rad-brom 10M
Drainage :
Ayah.cobalt.caesium.emerald.plut.rad-brom.rad-iod.rose quartz. X-ray 6x
Note: the wind allows to breath things in -then trapped in bowels
Bary-iod 6x/calc-flour 6x
Oxygenating Bowel
Ferr Met/Kali phos/ Kali sulph 6x or use Narayani Blood mix /anaemia mix
Thymus Gland
Ign/thymus/tub 30 x
Needing Nat-mur but does not improve symptoms then use the above either with nat Mur or for fun do the protocol and then repeat nat-Mur and just sit back to observe the beauty of the homeopathic dance.