Hi to day I will give you a simple glimpse of cinnamon because of its countless benefits. Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices used 5000 years ago by Indians and Chinese as a cure for several diseases as used by ancient Egyptians to mummify corpses and then moved to Europe. In the seventeenth century it was considered a rare and expensive commodity, still used today in many fields such as cooking, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry.
One of the most important benefits of cinnamon is that it strengthens the immune system also has antibacterial properties, viruses and fungi, helps to reduce sore throat, treat indigestion and calm stomach and intestinal disorders.
It also adjusts the level of cholesterol and reduces the risk of cancer, it is able to reduce the spread of cancer cells, including leukemia and lymph nodes and many of the benefits I will give you later.
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Source picture:farmaciarebera
Source picture :aroma-atelier
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