C60 Purple power

in health •  7 years ago 

For those who listen

And have come to the magic part

Around 25:00

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Just bought some although I'm in my late 20's I hope I do see some results, especially wit hmy eye sight :)

Wow really? How much did it improve?

this needs more upvotes. this needs a whole bunch more people to know about it!
Fullerenes, also known as C60 or buckyballs, offer society changing medical benefits. Massive lifespan increases and recovery from a range of debilitating conditions.
-massive improvement in peopel with alzheimerss, MS, cancer, the list is huge!

It works as both an antioxidant (C60 donates electrons to reactive oxygen species (ROS) which restore these rouge molecules to being useful to your body again instead of being damaging electron scavengers).

There is a significant reduction in the ROS produced in cell mitochondria when Carbon60 is present in cells.

Im only a day into my research, and ive onyl read a few of the published medical research papers on this, but this is pretty amazing!

Totally non toxic nanoparticles that stop you body from producing all the crap that makes us sick and age.

Yes and the rat studies sound pretty amazing too, more than twice the life-span? My brother has an MS diagnosis but the Wahls diet he and I do is amazing. Hard work (cooking) but results are amazing.

just heard bout this stuff from clif high today.... looking into it. clif high seems very accepting of "smart grid" type technologies (ie a fridge that spends money for you when you need food), which is one thing im weary about, like is this NANO TECH?

thanks for posting. (too bad this post is too old to be upvoted or resteemed.)

Haha you watched the same almost 2 hour long video?

no it was a new clif high video called "the three amigos" or something. he briefly mentioned it, saying that "its changing my thinking, i am now thinking about what i am going to do 50 years from now" but i did go and watch the 2 hour video you posted here after that

Cool, good to know, Clif High has some wacky shit he's talking about but it seems to be true..