My NZT experience, updated

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

edited and added real Vitamin D and K2

I couldn't update my original article but I do want to update some crucial info, especially in the winter. Please find that info below.


Today I remarked I felt like I was on NZT. All the colours where nice just as in the film Limitless, I was being funny and really alert and being in the moment. I felt great and people where laughing about my jokes. Not so much as when I had some organic cannabis but that seems to just amplify the good feeling.

nope this is not it

So what am I taking?

Well maybe I should tell you the whole story first. I had a nasty incident of being exposed to cell tower radiation which is not so good for your immune system. For two years I didn't know what made me unable to sleep at night and sleepy at day time. It was horrible. Later I even had vertigo. I hated my place which I loved before. What happened? I had no idea.

Taking away the metal blinds

I had taken the metal blinds away which probably had protected my grandmother who used to live there but moved when she became too old. It was always nice being with her and she had a nice vibe. The place had a good energy and a psychic had been there and 'measured' the place. No pathogenic zones. Which was really remarkable according to him.

Mr. Pobuda

This guy was the real deal. I never just believed in those things but I was open to them. I'm not sure how they met but it must have been my mom. I will never forget how I felt his energy or whatever it was inside my body when he went over my stomach area. It was real as light from the sun shining on your skin.

However he never truly helped me with issues I had so that was that. Didn't tell me I was allergic to gluten or milk which to be honest even the doctors never found a connection to gluten. But when I eat it I get sick pretty badly.


I got a candida infection from those cell towers. Wait, what? Yes you're reading it right but I'm still not telling the whole story. What I think is that these high levels of radiation causes chronic stress. Now I already feel the snarky comments by idiots complaining I can't feel what I feel because non-ionizing radiation cannot affect me. To those I tell to shut up because I have a Macbook Air which I bought for iOS development, which has no ethernet, just WiFi and I cannot stand WiFi! I had to buy an USB-Ethernet adapter when I was so sick I couldn't take anything. And I really didn't believe the lady from the bioresonance device. Read on.

Sensitiv Imago 530

I should have told you this is going to be a weird story but now you got this far you want to know how it will finish, right? Because I lured you in because of the NZT? Well I will get to that I promise! First I have to tell you about how I found out it was the radiation because I would never have believed it.

After trying many many medical doctors I went the alternative route which was just as bad in the beginning or even worse. I ended up with a woman who had a bioresonance device, who did iridology before but that turned out to be too slow be practical. The bioresonance was much faster in giving results.

How does it work? No idea. I'm not sure but I did research all the results extensively over a period of a few weeks. I continued doing this each session, never revealing anything or as least as possible to rule out that it was a scam.

It looked like a game to me in the beginning, sort-of like a sick joke or scam but it was my rational part thinking that but my intuitive side was saying "Yeah that's all right". Very weird. After 10 times / 6 months the diagnosis and progress was spot on and now I pretty much trust it. It has some weird issues like seeing residue bacteria from after having 'plasma treatment' which is a Royal Raymon Rife beam-ray type of plasma generator. It really does kill selective patogens rather effectivly.

Anyway the conclusion was that I was exposed to crazy amounts of radiation. And that I didn't believe because WiFi and 3G was safe, right? Wrong! But that's a topic for another time, in the mean time you can research the BioInitiative Report and be skeptical about scientific or clinical trials. Cherry picking or leaving out participants like autistic / ADHD children who would show a negative picture is not an uncommon thing to do. Maybe those kids have autism / ADHD because they are just sensitive in their nature, you know.


Thus the radiation affected my immune system and I got a huge yeast infection. I was being a vegetarian at that time because I didn't felt good after eating meat. Well what a surprise when my idiot doctor to whom I was sent because my condition was supposed to be psychosomatic (yeah right) pronounced that I couldn't have Heliobacter Plyori in my stomach because the stomach acid would kill it. Heliobacter Plyori causes low stomach acid (and ulcers) and thus digestive problems, you stupid bitch. Excuse the language but I have had it with so much idiocy among the so called 'experts'. Yeah, really. :(

Btw did I tell you I studied Mathematics (yes with a big M, thank you very much) at the faculty of Nuclear Physics in Prague, in a quasi foreign language to me? OK now you know.

Also the other gastrointestinal doctors were great. "You can't have Candida, only immuno-compromised patients like AIDS patients have that". Like our immune system can work after so many vaccines which only internalizes the infections! Leading to autoimmune diseases which are so common in our modern world. What a quackery. But hold on NZT is coming real soon.

Heavy Metal Detox

Because the Sensitiv Imago Bioresonance device had also detected high levels of metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium I decided to do a heavy metal detox. After much research I settled on the Detox Qube from QuickSilverScientific and the results where amazing!

Because I had some good funding from having two nationalities (sickness leave from an IT job and welfare from the Netherlands) I could afford do to this detox 3x (3x $800) even when 2x times where perhaps more than enough but boy what an effect it had! I can for sure say I was suffering from vaccine induced brain damage because I could never remember where I had put keys or my belt or anything necessary when I had to leave and I was always late because of that. Gone. And this I had since I can remember. My parents even had to put me on special education because of ADHD. Either being hyperactive or being zone-out.

I specifically remember beating myself because I was so forgetful! I somewhere knew I had it in my but I didn't expect the effect would be so profound. Now I can literally see where I left things. I can go through drawers instantly and see in my mind where things are. It works like a flick of a light switch. Boom. So this was a huge step in going like the film Limitless. Huge.

Vitamin D, K2 & Weston Price

One side efect from the Detox Qube was that the acid from the oral liposomal delivery was eating away the enamel from my teeth. What a suprise it was when it grew back!

After I had read Weston Price's Nutrition and Physical Degeneration I knew that vitamin K2 was good for bones so I ordered Blue Ice Royal from GreenPastures.

It has also real vitamin D from Codliver oil and even during winter depression time you feel cheerful. The other weird things is that the butter oil, which has vitamin K2 in it, will make your teeth sharper and more slippery. I feel this combination adds to the wellbeing feeling of the NZT experience.

Diet, enzymes and more research

After I had stumbled upon the Candida phenomenon by accident (which was just by reading my symptoms!) I had the bioresonance diagnosis confirming just that. I still didn't know what Heliobacter Plyori was but long story short for that I use Betaine-HCl + Pepsin and it works like a charm.

I also found out that there are enzymes which can kill many patogens and that antifungal or antibiotics can be more than a 1000x more effective when those enzymes like serrapeptase remove the biofilm beneath which the critters are hiding.

After trying at least 7 diets I settled on the SCD diet and then even better the Wahls Paleo Plus protocol which is basically: eat everything organic, (organ) meat like beef heart and liver and only vegetables, no side dishes. All cooking you do with coconut oil and have the vegetable oils like organic rapeseed (canola), olive oil, sunflower etc. just for the salads or dressings rather. By doing that my yeast infection was very much under control and also taking enzymes for the removal of Candida's biofilm. I used InterFase from Klaire Labs but it wasn't very potent. Biofase from yeast infection advisor should be much more effective.

I also did parasite cleanses which were very effective and very easy to do just using black walnut oil from the late Hulda Clark.


Before I went Paleo I had watched the film "Super Juice Me" and I was really hooked. I saw amazing results and I bought an affordable slow juicer from Severin.

But going raw vegan didn't work and after I had asked too many questions in a Facebook Group. Using crono-meter to measure my nutritional intake I saw I couldn't get to healthy levels and thus the raw vegan zealots finally kicked me out. I particularly remember the main moderator being a woman who was living in South America with plenty of sunlight and telling me that it doesn't matter who much vitamine D the others got. She had studied on MatFyz also known as Charles University faculty of Mathematics and Physics, not ČVUT like me. That proves that even studied individuals can be very wrong and that they probably won't admit it because of their ego's.

But what did I juice? Well in the end I found out that if I juice

  • tumeric
  • ginger
  • garlic

(all organic!) and drink it away with either pineapple or orange juice I get really good health results. And that this creates the NZT effect when I use it with herbs to combat adrenalin fatigue and which build testosteron.

Burned out

Or otherwise known as adrenalin fatigue occurs when you are experiencing so much stress or you are chronically stressed, that you basically burn out. Your endocrine system gets overloaded and sleep cycles are disturbed, you are tired all the time and you have no energy. You can't sleep at night and want to sleep during the day. It sucks. Big time. For me, I basically felt ready to go to a retirement home, so useless I felt!

Then I finally after all the diets and juicing got me to a good level I stil wasn't full of energy and feeling vibrant. I decided that something isn't working when even taking so much stuff like betaine HCl and pepsin to ease digestion and enzymes and what not. I should feel fit but I didn't. Even a PEMF from (Bob Beck) was giving me more energy but that didn't last.

So luckily one one day I read the always excellent Jon Barron newsletter and i was about hormones. And I discovered I should take herbs to build my hormone system to combat the adrenalin fatigue.

I am now taking:

  • Saw Palmetto
  • Kelp
  • Avena Sativa (A. Vogel with Ginseng)
  • 5-HTP ( and this I think does the happy colourful NTZ part but it only works with the combination and juice)
  • Tribulus Terrestris from Himalaya Herbs
  • I used Speman from Himalaya Herbs before and I really liked it but I did not tested now with the 5-HTP

This created NZT!

So this created consistently the NZT effect! I had it 3x before, same exprience and everything but only always after I had taken the juice of one tumeric root, 4 cloves of garlic, thumb of ginger which I drink away with either pineapple or orange or combination. And the herbs for testosteron / adrenalin fatigue + 5-HTP. And taking the Vitamin D + K2 combo. All that I feel gives a real boost in, well NZT effect!

Organic Cannabis

What also makes you really give that happy, funny non-serious effect is Cannabis. I prefer organic, grown under LED lights. We use the KIND led which is quite expensive but the results are spectacular, low yields but gives such a quality.

I prefer to smoke the buds pure or take just one drop of the oil (which is a blend of 5 strains) but I'd say the NZT effect doesn't need it. Mind you I don't take Cannabis regularly anymore but it just does makes it even better because it makes me more social, empathic and having really good ideas. It's not a hallucination like many think.

So it's ideal for a party. But even on its own the Cannabis we have is amazing. I took the oil every day for half a year and it gave me profound realizations and psychologically significant results. I see it being used therapeutically. And I' repeating myself but it was so little (just one drop) that I could function normally, just on a hightened conscious level. I'm very grateful that I can experiment with these things in life.

Because my income is very small now and I'm still reaching out to a level of stability. So I have to make trade-offs a lot but I do consistently try to eat as much organic as possible which tastes much better anway and really makes you happy all by itself. The Wahls Protocol is worth an article by itself.

And that's no joke. We commented on this effect with my brother who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis already 13-14 years ago and he is doing fine! Just got him to try the herbs for adrenalin fatigue and he is still tired but I'm sure I can see an effect even this soon. It took much longer with me.

But as always, when something works I notice the effect immediately. You get used to it after a while so it is good to take breaks and notice the effects. Keep an open and clear mind.

Happy biohacking!

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when i watched limitless season 1, the guy could perform many impossible activities on NZT , i wondered if its possible .

great write up coming from you

Lol they even made a series about it... The Smart Drug

I didn't like the series much, you mean that one on NetFlix? Or do you mean the Smart Drug is another series? Link?

Really am still gonna. Search for it man ..

Good job

Hey can u post about face fungal infection nd its meficines....

Nope, sorry, no idea how to treath that :( You can try coconut oil but you just don't eat sugar and I'd trade making vaccines from it, you take a biopsy and culture the fungus, than reinsert into the body like a vaccine.

That's crazy I always tell my wife when we drive by those that I would not want to have a house or business right next to one like some people..

Good Lord too many drugs... I thank God for your quick recovery...

Quick? > 2 years...

Very nice post please back

Nice one, pls reciprocate on my blog
Tnx @diamondrich