A new emerging concept in the Healing Scene : The Healing Download (EcoTrain)

in health •  8 years ago 

A new emerging concept in the Healing Scene : The Healing Download

My name is Demian Haye and I’ve been in the healing scene since almost 20 years. I was always attracted to all kind of natural remedies, consciousness exploration tools, and energetic healing techniques. I studied ayurveda, herbalism, and many other healing modalities. Recently, I entered the Mayan Lineage of Curanderos, the Miracle healers of the East of Mexico. I am the teacher of magic Vibrations Healing school (www.magicvibrationshealing.com)
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I also was always attracted to quantum understanding of consciousness and its use for healing. The multidimensionality of our being has always fascinated me, therefore I also explored the ancient shamanic ways from the Forest.

In Quantum Healing, like the way they teach it in matrix Energetics school, from Richard BARTLETT and Melissa Joy, you can stream, download and write programs of consciousness that you can activate and run like you would with a computer software. From the beginning of my discovery of this quantum Multiverse, I was playing a lot with it. I could see it was fast, creating changes around or within me , but not always miraculous.

Then I started to receive the Mayan Downloads. And this blew my mind away. I pretty opened minded, a freak for most of the people and I was so happy to be blown away!

So what is a download ? It’s a direct transmission from the aura of a person to another person’s aura, in a subconscious way (90% estimated) and conscious way (10% estimated).

These transmissions are so powerful, when the morphing field that they tune with is old, and full of experiences! And the Mayan lineage is a 26 generations uninterrupted line of transmitters and receivers.
A morphing field is a field of Light and Information holding all the data relating to one practice, name, concept, person, let’s call it a reference.

A download is a transfer of an energetic grid, made of Sacred Geometry and Frequencies (colors), in many dimensions (up to 144 in the Mayan Wisdom). It’s also the sum of all the skills, experiences, achievements, knowledge, practical use of all the people who belong to a line of transmission.

When you receive a download from a living being, there is subconscious exchange of information, loads of them as the subconscious mind can receive 10 000 bits (data per minute) comparing to the conscious mind that receive 7 or 8 bits when focused.

Every time you think or call upon the download, you tune with a huge reserve of data in your subconscious mind. Your conscious mind has a kind of protocol or framework to play with, but the real source of the intuition and inner spontaneous guidance we receive comes from the download, the subconscious part of it. There is plenty of downloads in this tradition.

They call it a Caught Teaching, where you catch the download in your aura.
In medicine music (ayahuasca or red path ceremonies), you can receive a song, with melody, rhythm and lyrics that hold a specific frequency and range of healing. It just comes, you receive it, like Grace, like a blessing. And then you share it. That’s a sweet medicine download, isn’t it ?

A Mantra is a download, that you tune with by repeating it many times, until you open the gates of your subconscious divine part.

After learning so many practices and techniques of Healing, from books, videos, teachers, I found out that these downloads were something else. It feels so secure, so efficient, so fast, that I somehow dropped the other things in my healing sessions. What was taking me before 2 and half hours takes me now one hour. The integration of the healing of course takes more time for the patient.

In the Mayan lineage, to integrate completely a download, you need to use it everyday for 28 days in a row, a complete moon cycle. Then you can activate it and see instant incredible changes.

The download is obviously an exchange of energy, so it has to be balanced between the transmitter and receiver by an exchange (money, service, barter…). In the Mayan lineage, it is said that if you receive a download twice from two different persons, you can then transmit it. Why 2 times? because you receive more subconscious informations, and because you can double check the conscious part of the download, as well as having a new perspective on it.
So after I started to play with these downloads, I wanted to create my own downloads. I found quickly out that the way downloads are created, is really personal, intimate and kind of secret. Every one have their own style and way to do it. That’s why you have download and DOWNLOAD. The power behind it is relating to the strength of the morphing field, and of all the achievements of the people using it.

I will not share my way, as like I say, it’s really personal. But as I was sharing them, and observing how people change with them, heal with them, I was feeling amazed.
This changes the whole way of teaching. And I’ve been a teacher since 12 years, of all kind of mysterious, magic healing techniques. Like a good friend teacher says, one day we’ll teach in silence like the silent concerts of La Belle Verte (Green Beautiful movie from Corinne Serreau).

As for the presence it requires, the state of sacredness it brings, the efficiency and speed it has, the transmission of download is for me a revolution.

It has always been there of course. Like a diamond cutter having an apprentice spending years with him, before even cutting a diamond, a silent transmission of craft skill. Like a disciple spending years with his master before he receives initiation.
But with the quantum understanding that everything is Light and Information, we are now evolving into a new dimension of healing and sharing healing techniques.

There is a market of downloads as there is a market of softwares or applications on your cellphone. And in the Healing scene, this will grow big I’m telling you. I feel it. As a mental projector in Human Design, I see where we are going. And if a part of us goes Transhumanism, another part will go to the world of Consciousness Downloads, like Neo in Matrix uploading in his memory skillset new abilities. There are 2 aspects of the new Dimension : the technological controlling aspect ( some would call it the negative side of the fourth dimension), and the healing consciousness quantum aspect. (positive side).

It’s a sign we are shifting to Soul Group Consciousness, to a Cloud-Like Streaming way of information. It’s the new consciousness, more telepathic, more empathetic, more connected. Like a web of Light weaving our hearts together.

Next time you listen to someone speaking about Downloads, remember you are a Universe of Downloads !
Welcome to the New Dimension of the Heart. An infinite 8 hertz dance of Love, Light and Life !

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very nice ,sorry i don't vote , my voting power is too low that it does't make any difference to have my vote or not!

hope that helps.. comments are great too! :_)

Its defiantly the Download time......

Well written

I've just seen this wonderful article - I really enjoyed it! Thanks.