Trees treated. But how?
To determine what tree Your using regular foil. Take it, and stroke the nail. If the foil sticks to the hand - tree is not suitable if drawn to the bark of a tree – EUREKA, tree Your. )))
"Working" trees, as well as our hands, some are putting off energy, others add. They can be divided into trees donors (give energy), vampires (take energy). To determine this, you need to firmly press the barrel and to stand so for a few minutes. If You felt a surge of energy - that is the donor. And if the opposite - weakness, headache, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms - a vampire. Donors - oak, birch, spruce, pine, cedar, apricot. Vampires - aspen, poplar, alder.
Frightened trees - vampires do not need, as the treatment we need both. If You're sick, first you need to talk with a vampire, to pull all the negativity that is present in Your field, and then recharge and replenish your energy from the tree donor.
It is best treated during the flowering trees in the spring.
Look at the trees, what properties they have:
The oak is a strong tree-conductor connecting with the world and the universe. If you can not establish contact with people and your new friends immediately disappear somewhere, be sure to plant an oak tree near his home. Women this tree is not very suitable: it makes them too strong and independent, and men these ladies are not too fond of. But the oak contributes to the birth of healthy and strong children. To attach to the body for heart failure, such as arrhythmias. And that oak has given the strength and clarity of thought, be applied to the forehead or nape.
Lipa is well relieves weakness, fatigue, returns a craving for life, gives inspiration, helps to gather my thoughts to people of intellectual labor. Good for kids doing homework under the Linden tree: the learning process will go smoothly.
Birch - comforts, supports, helps in a time of grief to forget about the troubles. If your life is full of tribulations if tribulations showered upon you as from a cornucopia, hug birch, complain to her, and before leaving, be sure to put near the trunk of a small coin. Helps with various female diseases. In mastitis, kruglyashi applied to the chest, with uterine fibroids at the lower part of the abdomen. And to get rid of cervical degenerative disc disease, we have to wrap the block a little birch in a soft cloth and put on the night under the neck.
Chestnut - a helping hand, support in difficult times. Unlike many trees, does not change the human biofield, but it patches holes from blows and cuts off unnecessary vampiric binding. Therefore, the flowers and fruits of chestnut is used for protection against damage and the evil eye. It helps with arthritis. To make kruglyashi (cutting large branches) to the affected area, or to go with them. securing with adhesive tape.
Pine - like the sun warms all, and to all gives joy and strength, purifies the heart and soul good to get out of emotional crisis. If you were depressed, you are all annoying and nothing pleases, wait 15-20 minutes near the pine trees, breathing in her scent and it will become easier.
Apple - evokes the sensuality of a woman. On a warm Sunny day lie down under it for 30-40 minutes - the husband will be satisfied. This also applies to Mature women. Young girls Apple makes the feel of feminine attractiveness, and windy and coquettes, is to keep this tree away and be afraid of temptation.
El has beneficial effects on the human biofield, fuels and it eliminates the blocks and clamps. It is particularly beneficial effect on people who have suffered a heart attack or stroke, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
Aspen - refer to it when you need to throw off the severity of problems, to be free from harm and negative energy, relieve inflammation, relieve pain, to erase from the memory of man. But to deal with a wasp only in the first half of the day and no more than 10 minutes. Prolonged contact may experience headache, depression, drowsiness, nausea, dizziness. In the second half of the day and evening to the tree is not at all suitable: it will suck from a person all. Reduces tooth pain and resolves bruises for bruises. relieves headaches caused by high blood pressure (here attach to the back).
Poplar - diseases of the digestive system (applied to abdomen), dull headache and pain in the joints.
Maple - gives joy and good mood, great day relieves fatigue, nervous tension and excessive aggression. Maple leaves, placed in a vase to help households to live in peace and harmony.
Sea buckthorn has potent healing properties: relieves fatigue, depression and melancholy, gets a good mood, gives vivacity. Those who are able to control their emotions, sea buckthorn brings healing. Ask for help it can be, if a tree is more than 5 years. A young tree will save you the cost of his own life.
And now most importantly: so how is it treated?
Being already on the spot "treatment" (forest Park), try to choose a tree that stands alone, with a straight trunk. Sit so that the spine is in contact with the bark of a tree, and his hands lay in her lap. You can get up to spin and the back of his head touched the trunk, and the hands lay on the back of one another or so that a tree touched the chest and abdomen (improves the work of stomach, liver, heart, lungs, intestines, normalizes temperature, improves General body tone). Legs spread on either side of the trunk (restores the nervous system, treats radiculitis, kidney disease, normal pressure).
Cuddle and kiss a tree is not worth it. ))) That the treatment was successful, you need to stand near the tree – donor only 3-5 minutes at a distance of 2-3 cm.