Today cook garlic butter recipe, stored in our Trunk. The recipe is ancient, proven. Try it — you will get benefits not only for vessels but also for General good health.
Garlic oil will relieve spasms of cerebral vessels, heart spasms, relieve shortness of breath, an excellent prevention of multiple sclerosis and a great vasodilator.
Folk recipe garlic butter prepared at home:
Crush to a pulp 1 head of garlic medium size.
Put the pulp into a glass container (jar, bottle with a wide neck) and fill with 1 Cup of unrefined sunflower oil.
Put in the bottom compartment of the fridge.
The next day take a lemon, lightly crumple it in your hands, then cut away his top-knob and press out 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
Pour the juice from a teaspoon to a tablespoon and add to the same a teaspoon of garlic oil.
Apply 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Recovery rate - from 1 to 3 months.
For 1 month we treat ourselves to a break, then repeat.