FDA Quietly Bans Another Cheap Cancer Treatment: Intravenous Vitamin C

in health •  8 years ago 
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heard about that one, banned now eh? what else is new lol 👍

no way! They banned it! .. I've been way from the states for a few months and look what happens! Unbelievable! Well.. You can still purchase lypo spheric vitamin c which delivers it right to the blood almost as potently as through the vein. .. grrr

I've also heard about this, and I get frustrated because the sources are poor. I imagine this is a very easy thing to replicate, and whoever is onto this can demonstrate the effects in a tidy fashion. So far, I haven't seen much in the way of "proof." If you can post links that can take me straight to the (alt) source, I'll check them out.

Was it known for working?
If so then that sucks.

There are no evidence that vitamin C can treat cancer. Most people in west countries ingest more than enough vitamin C because citrics has big amounts and it is added to many foods for preventing oxidation.



Cancer can be cured with vitamin C. We don't need big pharma to poison us.