in health •  7 years ago  (edited)


This day in age we are in a constant battle with the toxins our bodies are exposed to. Since you were born there has been an onslaught of harmful substances being forced onto you without your knowledge. While completely eliminating many of these toxins may be out of our control, we do have the power to drastically reduce our exposure and to speak out against them.

In most cases these exposures result from lack of information and carelessness. Don’t let convenience and negligence be reason to give in to what many see as gradual suicide.

Let’s focus our attention on how we are exposed to these toxic health hazards in our daily life and how we can personally reduce that exposure. To be concise, instead of writing whole segments I’ll just list points that can’t be ignored along with ways to reduce exposure and I will provide individual references for each for those who want to dive deeper.

Just being conscious of these exposures and making a few changes can drastically improve the health of you and your loved ones.

Dairy milk

  • Contains casein, one of the strongest cancer promoters
  • Promotes mucus build up
  • The calcium in milk is barely absorbed by humans compared to plant-based sources of calcium
  • Some studies have shown cow milk is loaded with pus cells
  • Cow milk doesn’t strengthen bones, and in many modern studies has been proven to weaken them
  • Loaded with sex and growth hormones (so cows are larger and can produce milk year round)
  • There are too many alternatives to not make an attempt to give up the dairy (almond milk, rice milk, soy milk, coconut milk, cashew milk, hemp milk)

For an encyclopedia of reasons not to drink dairy milk, just visit


  • Many studies have linked the aluminum and parabens in deodorant to breast and lung cancer, amongst other illnesses. Although much money has been spent attempting to debunk this argument, the fact that in most breast/lung cancer cases the cancerous cells start development in the upper outer region of the chest (closest to the armpit) has to raise an eyebrow.
  • A healthy, well-hydrated diet that excludes or minimizes meat and dairy will drastically reduce armpit odor because the body has less toxins to emit.
  • Try a stick deodorant alternative or organic deodorant. I’ve also convinced a few friends to try fresh, diluted lime juice with a dab of baking soda and they say they haven't gone back to stick deodorant.



  • Contains fluoride, tricoslan and many other harmful agents
  • A 50/50 mixture of coconut oil and baking soda is a healthy alternative to most toothpaste on the market.


Soap, lotion, shampoo, perfume, air freshener

  • If “fragrance” is one of the ingredients, get rid of it! According to the EWG, products that have “fragrance” in its contents hide an average of 14 harmful chemicals under that name. As of 2011, there are 2,947 chemicals/toxins that can legally be thrown under the “fragrance” umbrella.
  • If you use hair products containing these chemicals guess what vital organ gets the first taste of them...


Cell phone, laptop, tablet, wi-fi router

  • Emits hazardous EMF radiation. If these were items that were used sparingly we wouldn’t have much worry but in congruity these items are on our person or very close to us countless hours throughout the day.
  • Brain cancer risks double after 10+ years of use only 30 minutes a day.
  • Undeniable links to cancers and low sperm count when constantly placed on same area of body
  • Don’t put in your pocket or place directly up to your head (all cellular phone’s instruction manuals even say this but they won’t address it publicly)
  • Use a handsfree device or speakerphone whenever possible
  • STOP giving your children your cell phone to play with and I would suggest at least waiting until middle school (around 12 years of age) to purchase them one if it is a must
  • Buy a EMF radiation shield or cover for devices to reduce radiation exposure



  • Turns many of the foods we eat carcinogenic
  • Creates a constant radiation exposure around device
  • Destroys 60-90% of nutritional value in food



  • Overexposure promotes childhood asthma, childhood genital disfiguration, low female libido, testosterone deficiency
  • Leaks into products when exposed to high temperatures, usually during shipping and storage making them up to 4x more toxic than when produced
  • Don’t eat/drink from plastic whenever possible
  • Don’t use body or face products that come in plastic containers that are very toxic (see below)
  • Plastics have a number labeling system that goes up to 7 that should be found on the bottom of all plastic containers inside a triangle. The least toxic plastics are labeled with the numbers 2, 4, or 5. I would steer clear from plastics numbered 1, 3, 6, and 7. If it’s plastic and doesn’t have a number at all it’s probably not safe at all.


The Disappearing Male Documentary -

I've watched this documentary numerous times online in the past on different websites. Oddly enough, someone didn't like it being openly viewed for free by the public and has been snatched off the internet 😒 There are sources to order the DVD though.

Over time these substances cause build up in our system and have been linked to countless illnesses in many studies. The first step in making better health decisions for you and your loved ones is to simply be aware. Once you're conscious of something you can hold yourself accountable and make changes.

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OMG...that's scary!

Indeed...knowing is a scary thing

What are we suppose to do?

We only can do what we're conscious of. I just try to change the things that are in my power.

It's a battle to stay well.

Or just stay away from McDonald's. lol

Everything in steps lol

Lol @ McDonalds [The Pink Paste People] I started there first hadnt eaten it in over 7 or 8 years & yeah man its crazy the labels on the packaging tell us one thing as well as may be worded as something you've never heard of. Great post comrade.