Hi folks. First things first i want to apologize for my english if i make any mistakes.
As i told you in my first post i work as an fitness instructor and nutritionist since 7 years now.
Now i want to share with you some tipps for a healthier lifestyle.
How to start a day.
The golden hour:
The most important time of the day is the morning time. I like to call it the golden hour after waking up.
I start the day with going into the kitchen boiling up some water and drink about 500-750 ml of warm-hot water (Please just only so hot that you dont burn yourself....very important is that you boil the water and do not drink just warm water out of the water pipe!!) Why? Because over night the body try to recover and all the toxins are ready to get pumped out in the morning. So if you dont drink enough water they will go back to there place and cant get out of the body :(. And please dont start it with one litre of coffee, you will see that it is only a habit :)
Than i do the normal things like brush my teeth get my hair done etc.
After that i make my breakfast, this could be:
Oats with spelled flakes ( no milk only fill it up with hot water )
Add some blueberries, raspberries, cinnamon, bananas and a little bit honey, jummmyyyy :)
Or i make some scrambled eggs with dark bread and vegetables.
If it has to be fast dont eat nothing than just take 2-3 bananas and eat them on the way to work.
In bananas there are a lot of vitamins and healthy carbs. (Buy bananas and let them till there are some brown points on it, becauses then they are full of vitamins.)
You can also do it very simple with cottage cheese (i like to add some chives and basil) some dark bread and a few vegetables.
I am not a coffee person so i drink a cup of green or matcha tea beside my breakfast. Try it out and you will see you have a lot of energy for the day.
Beside my breakfast i love to read a book or just enjoy the silence in the morning before the day begins.
If you like this post i will make some helpful tips for a healthier lifestyle every day. Tomorrow: What to eat in the noon and how to get over the day with some great and simple food ideas.
So i hope there was a helpful advice in my post. Thank you for reading! :)
Greets Kai.