Top 10 Herbs to Treat Liver CirrhosissteemCreated with Sketch.

in health •  7 years ago 

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Liver plays a vital role in basic metabolic system, which includes digestion, assimilation and absorption of food particles in the body.Liver cirrhosis is a chronic condition in which the damage of liver occurs for several years, in which the healthy tissues are replaced by scar tissue. This condition leads to the poor liver functioning.

Herbs in Liver Cirrhosis

Many herbs have been used for centuries o heal the problems of liver. Here are some herbs frequently used for the healing of liver cirrhosis. Some herbs are mentioned below, which possess the capability alone or in combination with other herbs in healing liver;

  1. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is known for its properties of antiseptic, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory, which makes this herb useful in the condition of damaged or enlarged liver and many related problems of the liver. It can regenerate the liver which can be useful in the condition of damaged liver. The ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder if boiled in a glass of water/ milk, and taken for few weeks, can heal the damaged liver. The use of turmeric’s bioactive compound, Curcumin can also be beneficial for the treatment of liver cirrhosis.
  2. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) known as aliver tonic and is usefulfor the treatment of liver cirrhosis disease. It detoxify and also helps in fat metabolization of fat deposition in the liver. It is not recommended to the diabetic or pregnant patients.
  3. Licorice (Glycyrrhizaglabra)is helpful to cure many liver problems and also provides protection to the liver from heavy metals and toxins. The ½ teaspoon of licorice root powder if added to a cup of hot water. Just add 1 tsp. of honey into it and take twice a day. It can be the best remedy for the damaged liver.
  4. Katuki (Picrorrhizakurrao)is known for itscleansing action, helps in cleaning the toxins, increase the digestion and functioning of gall bladder.
  5. Bhringraj (Eclipta Alba)useful in the healing of liver disorders. Due to its regenerative property, it helps in healing of damaged liver.
  6. Amla (Emblica officinalis) is well known forpresence of vitamin C which helps in improvement of the liver functioning and also is helpful in the detoxifying the damaged liver.The direct consumption ofamla (3-4) daily can be helpful. Also the use of amla powder (1 tsp.) in a glass of warm water (twice daily) can be helpful in the healing of liver diseases.
  7. Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) is known for the treatment of Indian flu and upper respiratory infections. It is popular for the treatment of liver disorders, regeneration and rejuvenating the liver cells. The presence of alkaloids helps in the elimination the toxic materials, as it is safe with no side-effects makes it wonderful natural herb to heal liver cirrhosis.
  8. Kaasni(Cichoriumintybus) It is known for curing the various problems of liver and also observed to be helpful in kidney failure. It possess the healing power which is beneficial for the liver related disorders. It is known for blood purifier and helpful in detoxifying liver.
  9. Sharpunkha(TephrosiaPurpurea)The herb is known for treatment of enlarged liver and spleen. It is known for increasing the blood holding capacity of the spleen and also provide the relief from the problem of acidity and flatulence.
  10. Makoy(Solanumindicum)It is known for the healing characteristics, which is beneficial for damaged liver. Also Makoy carries the detoxification process in the liver. It possess the property of detoxification which is very crucial for the patient of liver cirrhosis. It is helpful to cure the damaged liver, fattyliver and also in the condition of hepatitis disease. It can cure many other disorders of liver and results in the healthy functioning of the body.

The above written are the top 10 natural tips to treat liver cirrhosis can be useful. If the precautions and treatments are combined the person can remain fit for the long time. So the use of herbs in many formulations are present in the market, which are benefiting the patients of liver cirrhosis worldwide. Some formulations are Yakritplihantak churna, Phyllanthus niruri capsule, Echinacea capsules and liver detox capsules, which contains lots of medicinal herbs useful for the treatment of liver cirrhosis. These herbal formulations do not have any side-effects and these are pure medicines.

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