8 Weight loss habits of Healthy people

in health •  7 years ago 


Some people may be blessed with good genes—but don’t be too quick to chalk your friend’s flat abs up to hereditary luck. Although DNA plays a huge role in body types, it’s more likely that those fit bodies you admire are more because of everyday choicesrather than good mom and dad.

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That is not to say that any of these things cause you to be healthier — maybe being thin makes you more likely to walk to work rather than the reverse — so let’s say these are habits of healthy people. The best thing about these habits is they cost next to nothing to practice.

  1. Drink water

There is good evidence that just drinking the water (about two cups) before meals also promotes modest weight loss over the two- to a three-month course of the studies. Proper hydration with water will certainly make you less likely to reach for soft drinks or juice.

  1. Don’t skip breakfast
    Various studies show that individuals who skip breakfast tend to be heavier than those who eat “the most important meal of the day.” Whole-grain toast, eggs, oatmeal, yogurt are all quick and healthy choices.

  2. Eat real Food
    Artificial sweeteners, cakes, and fatty foods are so tempting, but resist them at all costs. High calories do provide instant energy but calories do not mean they’re doing your body any good. Eat more fruits and veggies instead.

  3. Eat Colorful

Not those colorful chips and nuggets. A handful of almonds versus the same amount of calories in potato chip form has a tremendously different effect on your body. Filling your dish with greens (Vegetables) and reds (Meat) and yellows (Pulses) will help you craft a nutrient-rich meal that will help fuel your body better for your workouts, muscle recovery, and weight loss.

  1. One Serve
    When eating on the go, put your snacks into single-serving baggies. This simple practice will help keep you from overeating.

  2. Eat at regular intervals
    Skipping meals means lack of nutrition – a big no-no when trying to lose weight. Eating every 4-5 hours helps manage your appetite and ward off cravings.

  3. Avoid over-exercising
    It’s possible to overdo it at the gymand exhaust yourself to the point where you’re no longer productive. Taking days off to rest your body and to allow your body to recover is equally as important as working it out in the first place. Don’t be afraid to give yourself a day off in between your workouts.

  4. Breathe Freely
    Become familiar with and practice the art of deep breathing. Inhale through your nose to a count of four, hold for a count of five, and slowly exhale. Repeat this a few times when experiencing cravings or stress.

Pack leftovers and healthy snacks to take to work while you are clearing up the dinner dishes in order to avoid ending up in the food court the next day. Face it: One piece of cheesecake won’t make you fat. Also, eating one salad won’t instantly make you buff—it’s what we choose to do every day that adds up and gets us closer to our goals or backs us further away from them.

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