Quote of the Day/ Zitat des Tages #69 ENG/DEU

in health •  7 years ago 

We become what we think about.
Earl Nightingale

Earl Clifford Nightingale was an American radio commentator and motivation trainer.
In 1938 he joined the US Marines and in 1941 he survived the Japanese attack on the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor.
In 1945 he started working for the Navy in Jacksonville, to work for the radio in North Carolina. After leaving the military in 1946, he became a broadcaster for the local station KTAR in Phoenix, Arizona.

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Wir werden zu dem, woran wir denken.
Earl Nightingale

Earl Clifford Nightingale war ein US-amerikanischer Radiokommentator und Motivationstrainer.
1938 trat er den US Marines bei und 1941 überlebte er den japanischen Angriff auf die USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor. 1945 begann er neben seiner Tätigkeit für die Marine in Jacksonville, North Carolina für das Radio zu arbeiten. Nachdem er das Militär 1946 verlassen hatte, wurde er Rundfunksprecher für den Lokalsender KTAR in Phoenix, Arizona.

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Yes, definitely I agree with you @positivertag!! Thoughts having so much powerful to accomplish anything in life!!☺💚

Thank you very much, @stardivine.


wonderful life story...i like it friend

Thank you very much, friend.

Es ist ganz richtig.

Danke für deinen Kommentar und fürs Lesen.


Awesome Quote thank you so much for sharing.

Thank you so much for reading.

Your quotes are very special.

Thank you very much.

Wow.my friend...really very Beautiful.story...i like it you all post 📪

Thank you so much, my friend.

Thank you so much for your comments.

You are really doing a great job dear friend.

Thank you so much, friend.

Great Quote friend usually what we see is what we get

Thank you for your comment.

Awesome friend, awesome Story.

Thank you very much, mate.

Cool quotes about thinking and acting.

Thank you emoji-2074153_640.png

Inspiration Story.

Thank you.