Hello all Steemer´s
I want to make you aware of your self and your health. I have tested this cleansing and supplement from https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/
It´s just amazing! I have started to burn fat round my belly and i have hve not exercised at all!
I feel so good! Of curse a i try not to eat suger and unhealthy food! But i have done that before i started with the products with out any good results. It give you the tings your body needs to work and heal.
I have change this:
Toothpaste non flor.
WATER, Filtered ( and i live in sweden with very good water ) And i put in Crystal Energy to make the water structured.
Megahydrate ( Hydrogen Negative Ions ) in water or smoothie. ( Crystal Energy and Megahydrate made by DR G Patrick
Flanagan , http://phisciences.com/
D-vitamin every day 100ug.
SELENIUM every day.https://www.globalhealingcenter.com
CHROMIUM every day. For your cell´s shell.
DETOXADINE® Nascent Iodine Supplement, every day, https://www.globalhealingcenter.com
VEGANSAFE™ B-12, https://www.globalhealingcenter.com
FLORATREX™ 23 Strain Probiotic & Prebiotic Supplement, https://www.globalhealingcenter.com
After cleansing your intestines.
PARATREX® Remove Unwanted Organisms and Supply Your Colon , https://www.globalhealingcenter.com
HIMALAYA SALT instedad for table salt. Mix in water or in food.
There is still allot to learn and change. I hope you will start to change your life to!
Please watch this clip and learn how your body works.