efficacy soursop

in health •  9 years ago 

Efficacy Soursop Leaf Air Stew To

healing Cancer

Efficacy of soursop leaves boiled water first is to cure cancer and could also be as a precaution. Soursop or Graviola leaves contain anti-cancer substances called Annonaceous acetogenin, which can kill cancer cells without disturbing other healthy cells in the human body. Lately, more and more people are testimony that after regular drinking boiled water soursop leaves his cancer could be lost. For cancer treatments is to boil the leaves 10 soursop old (dark green). The amount of water approximately 3 gelasr (600 cc). Boil and continue to evaporate and water to live approximately 1 or 1.5 cups (200cc) only. Water 1 cup filtered and then drunk to patients every day 2 times, morning and afternoon. But for the course should continue to monitor developments in consultation with a doctor.

The effects of drinking boiled water soursop leaves is usually the stomach will feel warm / hot and sweaty body continues, similar to the effects chemoteraphy. All you have to remember that this medicine is herbal medicine, so the effect is not a quick recovery, which means that after taking a routine for approximately 3-4 weeks soursop leaf decoction efficacy of new water visible. Signs of this herbal remedy membasik including patient conditions improved, began to indulge again, and upon inspection lab / doctor turns the cancer cells begin to die and dry out, while the other cells that grow like hair, nails, etc. others not at all disturbed.

In certain areas of information on the efficacy of soursop leaves is inherited generation to generation. Soursop leaf is used by people of Indonesia to treat several diseases. As an example, the public Sundanese (West Java) using current soursop leaves and young for high blood pressure-lowering drugs, while the Acehnese people using soursop leaf to cure cough. Meanwhile in South Sulawesi, the soursop leaves can be used for lowering the heat. Even now there are doctors and herbalist who prescribed soursop leaves to address several diseases. Not only in the country, in the State lainpun soursop leaves and fruits are not only used as food, but also used for medicinal and natural pesticides.

The main functions of the leaves of the soursop is to kill cancer cells of the pancreas, lung, kidney, pancreas, breast, prostate, and colon, leukemia, while other uses are:
-Mengeliminasi Free radicals, drying the cancer cells, heal inflammation in the body, and especially to increase stamina patient so that the body is not weak.

-Menyembuhkan Inflammation, such as strep throat, intestines, digestion, hemorrhoids, and diabetes.
-Prevent And cure gout

-Menyembuhkan Disease high levels of bad cholesterol.
-For Men, soursop leaf to increase the number and strengthen the sperm.
-Increase Immunity.

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