overcome premature ejaculation with betel

in health •  8 years ago 

The greatest treasure a man was standing slipped where it became a major priority enjakulasi If so happens then no amount of wealth is no benefit at all compare nya.oleh belonging to his name because it was the premature ejaculation is the most scared for the man . People who experience this problem by bias has a sense of inferiority or lack of confidence. Premature ejaculation can be overcome by using ingredients that are natural fruit like PINANG /JAMBE. during this nut is known to have a range of properties that can cure some diseases. For example, properties useful anthelmintica shed worms and adstringensia to shrink the membranes lendir.Selain, nut also stimulates (stimulant), stop bleeding (haermostatica), and antisifilis. Pinang has a very long become part of the daily life of Indonesian society began long ago.

If we look at Relief at Borobudur and Candi Sukuh is a native Indonesian cultural heritage can show that the nut trees were clearly visible. With a variety of features in the areca nut makes beneficial for them helath.Berbagai efficacy of betel nut is to treat wounds on the skin, deworming drugs, strengthen teeth, strengthen gums, cure scurvy, diphtheria and to shrink the uterus after childbirth. In addition to the benefits above, betel nut is also believed to increase sexual desire and treat premature ejaculation

To increase sex drive, can use one betel nuts yet hardened and then cut into small pieces and then chewing and eating. Besides this way, you can also use laingn way to destroy one betel nuts and boil in two cups of water. Wait until it becomes a glass. Both have the same efficacy. These properties are in the know because in the nut contained arekolin. Well, how to cope with premature ejaculation using a nut? Here is how to overcome premature ejaculation with fruit pinang.Untuk treating premature ejaculation using nut then there are some materials that should be provided in addition to one betel nuts, such as hazelnut 1, 2 chicken egg and 2 tablespoons of honey then pure. After all these materials tesedia, then the next step is to make the potion.

How to make the potion? First of all pecan nut and burned until smooth. After a smooth, both then crushed. Once crushed, mix the two ingredients that have been fine-range chickens with eggs and brewed with hot water. After that, stirring until evenly distributed. This herb can be taken daily routine. During luck and hopefully useful.

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I felt like i was reading something illegal. Super cool...thank you for the tip. Now where the hell can i find that here in Canada. Hehe

Come to Indonesia, because here very much fruit Pinang he..he..he ...


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