My Journey to a Plant-Based Diet, and the Benefits I’ve Experienced

in health •  6 years ago 

Hello beautiful being! I hope you're having a glorious day!

I just finished having a delicious lunch, of fruit (papaya and dragonfruit), and sourdough bread topped with vegan “cheese” avocado, hummus, and tomato. YUM! The meal left me feeling so satisfied, and also left me reflecting on my food journey over the past few years.

I started thinking about how I came to be eating a nearly vegan diet after growing up eating tons and tons of meat and cheese, and I thought I would share that story here with you beautiful people.

Photo Source

Before I moved to Thailand 3 years ago, I was a heavy meat eater. Meat, cheese, dairy... all of them were staples in my diet, along with a healthy amount of veggies, and some fruits. But when I moved to Thailand all of that changed.

First of all, in Asian cuisine there is very, very little, if any, dairy or cheese. And the prices of cheese in the supermarket are insanely high. So this was the first to find its way out of my diet, but it has also been the hardest to cut out because my cheese addiction was very real. To be honest, I haven’t been able to eliminate cheese entirely from my diet, and I still eat the occasional pizza, or cream cheese bagel. But back in the day, there was cheese present in almost every meal I ate, so this is a very big improvement!

Secondly, the abundance and availability of fresh tropical fruits here in Thailand really changed the fruit game for me. Back in Michigan, there just isn’t very much fresh fruit. I enjoyed strawberries, blueberries, and the occasional apple or watermelon, but to be honest, fruit was not a very big part of my life in America. I tried to enjoy it. I would buy it when I went grocery shopping, but it very often just rotted away on the counter, because I was never excited to eat it.

But once I moved to Thailand I became obsessed. I had never even had a papaya before moving here, but now papaya may be my favorite food of all time!! And the mangoes! Holy shit, the small, yellow type of mangoes that grow so abundantly here…. They are so good! And so sweet! I was also introduced to dragonfruit, custard apples, durian, guava, pomelo, coconuts, mangosteen, rambutan, lychee, longans, and jackfruits! All of which are AMAZING!! And the bananas here are so good! There are so many different kinds of bananas, too, and they all look like they've actually grown in a tree, not like the questionably perfectly yellow, perfectly shaped "Chiquita" bananas I find in America, that seem very much like they were manufactured in a facility rather than grown on a farm, but that's just a thought, not a fact.

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Fruit Photo Sources:
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Nowadays, I start almost every morning with a smoothie bowl, as you can see from one of my previous posts, and fruit has become the biggest food group in my diet. I’ve even had some experience with fruit fasting! But that’s a whole other story!

And thirdly, many of the first friends I made here in Thailand were vegetarian or vegan, and I was often eating out with them. One day I made a list of my favorite restaurants in town and realized that almost all of them were already vegetarian. I was already making the natural switch to a more plant-based diet, so I decided to officially give vegetarianism a go.

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However, I’m not one of those people who made the switch and never looked back. I was gentle with myself, and I listened to my body. There were easy days when the thought of meat didn’t even cross my mind, and then were harder days, when I really had to focus to get meat off of my mind. There were also days when the desire for meat become so strong within my body, and I couldn’t shake the idea from my mind no matter what I ate or tried. On these days, I listened to this call from my body. On these days, when the desire to eat a cheeseburger consumed me, I went out and happily ate a cheeseburger. These days were quite infrequent, and I felt it was a good idea to listen to my body when these urges came up.

I’m not one for labels, so I wasn’t referring to myself as vegetarian. The term I was using for a while was “meat-minimalist” because of the times when I would allow myself to eat a little bit of meat here and there. What ended up happening to me, was that over time, the desire for meat came less and less often. The days when I would feel so compelled to eat meat (usually in the form of a cheeseburger), came less and less frequently. Eventually, about 8 months in, I started to get uncomfortable at the sight of meat, and then the smell of meat starting making me nauseous and uneasy. Finally, one day I realized I had absolutely no desire or yearning to eat meat. I pretty much wanted nothing to do with it! I had won the battle over meat!

But again, this day did not come right away. I allowed myself to have the occasional cheat day. By simply cutting out the majority of meat in my diet, I knew I was making better decisions for my health, and much more ethically conscious choices for the environment as well.

If you’re thinking of going vegetarian or vegan, I recommend trying this for yourself. Eliminate the biggest sources of meat/dairy from your life. But allow your body to speak to you, and don’ be too hard on yourself. Make sure you’re getting enough protein and nutrition from eating a variety of vegetables, grains, and fruits, but on those days when you really, really, really want to eat meat or dairy, allow yourself to do so! It’s better to allow yourself the occasional cheat day, rather than pushing yourself to the limit, and ignoring the signs from your body that you need some extra nutrition (HOWEVER: I feel it is important to note, that you do not NEED to eat any meat or animal products to get a complete diet, full of all the nutrients and protein you could ever need. It just takes time to learn what foods to eat. But until you learn what your body needs, and where you can get it from, just listen to your body and be gentle with yourself. ) If you don’t allow yourself these (INFREQUENT) small cheat days, you may push yourself too far and eventually just give up altogether!!

My Top Reasons for Eating a Mainly Plant-Based Diet

There are so many reasons to make the switch to a vegetarian/vegan diet. Health reasons, ethical reasons, environmental reasons…. So I’ll share a few of my main personal reasons with you here.

Health Benefits - Vitality, Weight Loss, Clear Skin

Firstly, I have noticed an insane amount of health benefits from eating a plant-based diet. I have much more energy and lasting stamina throughout the day. Eating a diet heavy in meat was making me slow, heavy, and lethargic. I also always start my day out with fruit these days, because even eating a vegetarian breakfast with breads/cooked veggies/eggs makes me feel more heavy in the mornings then I would like. Fruit has been my savior in this regard!

I also noticed my weight rapidly dropping from eating a diet free from meat and cheese. I think cheese is one of the worst foods you can eat. It’s basically coagulated cow puss…. Yuck! I always find that cheese goes straight to my belly, and makes me feel very congested and stuffy. When I started eating more vegetarian and plant-based meals I lost about 15 pounds (~7 kg), and gained clearer skin, clearer sinuses, a flatter stomach, and more energy!

Sadhguru’s Powerful Opinion on the Matter Really Speaks to Me

When asked about eating a vegetarian or non-vegetarian diet, Sadhguru always has the same answer. He explains that whatever we eat, our bodies have to break that food down, and convert it and transform it into ourselves. What we eat, thus becomes us. If I eat an apple, I have to turn the apple into a 29-year woman. If a pig eats the same apple, it needs to turn that apple into a pig. So, if we have the choice of what to eat, he suggests we should be choosing foods that are most “simple” and don’t have such a strong “identity”. The stronger the identity and the consciousness of the thing we eat, the much more work it would take to transform that thing into our own cells. It is much easier to turn a fruit or a vegetable into our own cells than it is to turn a cow, or a chicken, with a much greater sense of “self”.

”Your body is just an accumulation of the food that you have eaten, after it has been transformed and assimilated. There is a certain intelligence, memory, and genetic code in the body that determines what the food that you eat is converted into. For example, the same apple, depending on who eats it, becomes part of the body of a woman, a man, or a cow.

”As life evolves, the information and memory an organism carries get increasingly complex. In the yogic tradition, we always said you must eat what is furthest away from you, genetically. In that sense, plant life is furthest away from us. If you must eat non-vegetarian food, we advised the consumption of fish, because among the animals, it is furthest away from a human being, if you look at it from an evolutionary perspective. As the first animal life on the planet is thought to have evolved in water, the first avatara was matsya avatara or the fish.

“If you eat a simple memory-code... like a vegetable, it is very simple. In the evolutionary scale, whatever is furthest away from you, that’s what you must consume. In other words, you never consume a mammal, because it is too close to you, and it’s memory is too complex, and you will never be able to break it down 100%. If you consume this, partly you break down the genetic code, another part of it remains. Gradually the animal qualities will enter your system, and annoyingly, these things will find expression. People are going through anger, stress...this is simply, or one of the main reasons for this is because of the food they are consuming.”
Quote Source

I love this explanation, and it just resonates within my soul. I don’t want to eat anything that has its own identity and it’s own emotions and consciousness. Especially the way livestock are raised these days, in such horrifying conditions. Their entire lives are full of stress, sadness, anger, cruelty, and abuse, so it’s no surprise that eating a diet high in meat creates excess anger, pain and stress. We are all completely made up of energy, so make sure you’re putting high-vibe, good energetic foods into your body too!

I Don’t Want to Support Animal Cruelty

As I began mentioning above, the conditions for raising and producing livestock these days are insanely awful. There is so much video footage of animals being treated poorly, raised in small cages, with barely any room to move their entire lives. Their babies are always stolen from them soon after birth, and you can visibly see the pain in the mothers when this happens. The animals are often kept in closed warehouses, never getting to see the sunlight or feel the breeze of the wind on their skin. The conditions are incredible inhumane, and unsanitary. Where do you think all the animal fecal matter goes? Right down into their cages, where they get to sleep and stand in for their whole lives...and eventually when their bodies get horribly massacred and chopped up (at alarming rates, by the way. Some factories kill 4,000 cows a day, and create 3,000 steaks per minute) that fecal matter gets put directly into your future cheeseburger or BLT. Yum! I love my steaks with extra poop!

I also heard once that in a typical burger, the meat come from about 100 DIFFERENT cows! So not only do you get 1 cow’s lifetime of sadness, anxiety, and fear when you eat a burger, you get the personal emotional baggage from 100 cows!

McDonald's has confirmed that its beef patties can contain the meat of more than 100 different cows.

Quote from the McDonalds Q&A:

“In the blending process, we do mix beef from different delivery batches and the resulting batches can be made up of the meat from more than 100 cattle.”

Once I started opening my eyes to the cruelty of the meat industry, I couldn’t continue eating meat. Films like Fed Up, Cowspiracy, What the Health, and Food Inc. were really helpful in opening my eyes to the horrors. I highly recommend taking the time to watch these films, or just browse YouTube for an endless supply of videos on this topic.

Environmental Sustainability

If you’ve seen the film Cowspiracy, then you will know what I’m talking about with this one.

There’s a lot of info in the film, and it is very eye opening. I highly recommend this one. It’s not about animal cruelty, which so many films are about. This film is showing why eating a diet high in meat is actually hurting our environment and it actually the leading cause of greenhouse gases and climate change. Here are a few facts:

It turns out, that animal agriculture uses about 55% of our natural water usage, while home usage is only 5%.
Animal agriculture is responsible for 65% of the Nitrous Oxide emissions in the air, thus being the NUMBER ONE factor in climate change.
Every MINUTE, 7,000 pounds of animal excrement are produced


Infographic Source

I Love Creating Vegan Junk Food out of Plants!

The last reason that I love eating a mainly plant-based diet, is because I get to experiment in the kitchen, and am always discovering new ways to manipulate vegetables, nuts and spices to create the most amazing flavors and meals.

Some of my favorite vegan dishes to make are: Vegan Mexican food! -- burritos, tacos, quesadilla, and my favorite, Mexican queso (cheese) dip (recipe found here); vegan burgers (black bean or chickpea base), Bolognese pasta, and as a lover of sauces, I’m always making delicious vegan sauces to put on all the things!

My vegan Mexian Queso dip (recipe in link above)

Cashews have become one of my favorite foods. You can blend them up into a creamy base, and turn them into amazing things like vegan cheese, Ranch and Caesar dressings, garlic aioli, spicy mayo… the possibilities are pretty much endless.

Plus, now I can gorge myself on “junk” food and it really isn’t all that bad for you. Late night munchies have never been better, for my taste buds, and for my health!

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There are plenty of reasons to make the switch to a more plant-based diet. I truly believe we are meant to be eating mostly in this way. We are not herbivores, like tigers and bears….tigers and bears eat RAW meat….do you have a desire for RAW meat? Probably not, because you’re not a true herbivore. But regardless, for me the benefits speak for themselves.

Some final Fun Facts

  • ALL protein comes from plants….the only reason we get protein from meat is because the animal ate plants first, and then you receive that protein when you eat the meat. But ALL protein comes from plants. Skip the middle-man and just eat more plants to get your protein!
  • The “nutritional value charts” you may have seen when you were younger (those triangle diagrams telling you how much meat/dairy/grains you should eat) were created BY the food industries… so I don’t really think we should look to these as the “correct” way to be eating. The people who made the charts want us to eat meat and dairy, because that’s the product their selling!

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This is just my personal experience.

I just want to take a minute to say that this is the story of my own journey to changing my diet. I am not passing along any judgment to any other diets, or ways of life. But I do think it is important for everyone to be aware of the truths pertaining to the meat and dairy industries, and the effects they can have on our own bodies and the environment. And I do think it is important for everyone to embark on their own journeys of finding a diet that helps them be their best selves.

While I do think a healthy debate can be good for a person every now and then, I am not trying to start a debate on this topic. I simply wanted to share my PERSONAL story and journey to eating a more plant-based diet, and my PERSONAL experience and benefits. I’m simply reflecting on my own experiences, and my never-ending journey to finding a diet for my highest, greatest self.

I am hoping this blog can illuminate some ideas surrounding vegetarianism and maybe inspire some people to make the change if they have been considering it. If anyone is curious in learning more about my journey, or questions about transitioning to a plant-based diet, I would be happy to talk more with you. Feel free to reach out.

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I will admit, that I am not a true “vegan” nor do I claim to be. As I mentioned in my beginning of this story, I allow myself the occasional pizza with cheese, and sometimes I eat fish when my body is craving it. I'd say I'm about 90% purely plant-based these days, and eating foods that are healthy and nourishing.

I think it is important that we all take the time to figure out what works for us. By trying different things, by doing research, and by listening to our own intuitions. What we eat is playing a huge role in our energy levels and mood, whether we think about it or not, so I encourage you to try to find a diet that suits your lifestyle and needs. One that is good for your HEALTH, your HEART, the PLANET, and your overall WELLBEING.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story. I hope you found it inspiring, or at least interesting. If so, I would greatly appreciate your UPVOTE and invite you to follow me here on Steemit at @rainbowrachel 🌟 🌟

Until next time. I love you.
🌈 Rachel
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Did you notice a large shift in how you felt after you cut out dairy? I have heard that dairy can take a while to "get out of your system" but after you go a few weeks without it your body goes to "superhuman mode".

Also, a little bit of devils advocate here. I have heard from many sources that it can be challenging to get all of the vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids on a strict vegetarian/vegan diet. Do you ever go to the doctor to have these things checked out?

Hey @metama. Great questions!

I used to drink a lot of milk, in cereal, in my coffee, in ice cream, in casseroles, all sorts of places. But when I got introduced to Almond and Coconut milk I found that it was quite easy to cut out milk. I don't drink coffee anymore, but when I was, adding coconut milk and some honey to my coffee was so divine! And then, like I said in the post, the cheese happened once I was in Asia and there was a big lack of cheese. It was hard, but eventually the cravings passed (and luckily there is enough amazing food around here to keep me satisfied).

Now that I off of dairy products, it's really interesting... my body rejects milk and dairy products now. I heard a statistic once,: "Approximately 65 percent of the human population has a reduced ability to digest lactose after infancy." and once I got off of dairy, I became lactose intolerant as well. My body had gotten used to processing the milk and fat when I was forcing it down there day in and day out, with when I got off of it I felt so much better. My digestion is so much better, my skin is clearer, and I don't get sick nearly as much. Drinking milk and eating dairy creates so much mucus and blockages in your nasal and throat passageways (If you ever have a cold, you've probably been told to avoid dairy...this is why.) It CREATES congestion. So I noticed much clearer sinuses now. I used to take allergy medicine on a daily basis, but now I have zero need for it! And it think it has something to do with no more dairy!

Now about the vitamins and minerals. Did you know that ALL protein comes from plants? People always say they need to eat meat to get their protein, but the protein we get from animals is only because the animals are eating plants!! You can get every vitamin and mineral you need from a plant-based diet, as long as you are eating a VARIETY of vegetables, legumes, and grains. Broccoli and brown rice are great examples of good sources of protein and nutrients. The only thing you CAN'T get from a plant-based source is B-12 vitamins. But nutritional yeast (a vegan's best friend....or at least it's my best friend) is the main ingredient to most vegan cheese that makes it "cheesy" and it's JAM PACKED with B-vitamins.

If you are going to make a switch though, it may be a good idea to get a blood test done to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need. I personally haven't done that though, because I feel actually 10x better and healthier now than I ever had before. But, it would still be a good idea to check!

:) thanks for sharing. I'm currently trying out the dairy free... The struggle is real though. I'm going to aim for one month without dairy and see how my body reacts.

Really like the content you make, glad you are a part of the steem community

Posted using Partiko Android

If you eat plant based you are getting more vitamins and minerals than a standard diet, I'm far healthier than my meat and diary eating peers who are nutrient deprived. Whilst they are eating flesh and fat with little nutrional value im eating the rainbow filled with anti oxidants, anti inflamintary foods. My peers get sick and I don't. There is a different between vegan and plant based vegan. Plants have everything we need especially when eating in combination with each other we get more protein calcium and iron from beans but must be eaten with vitamin c for full absorption. U can look at my recipes and get an idea of how nutrient dense my good is.

This is one of the nicest posts i have read on Steemit about being mainly vego or vegan. Its personal and sweet and not militant and nor do you say the same old stuff. I love what Sadghuru says.

I totally subscribe to cruelty free... my chooks, when I had them, had a lovely time and were loved and cared for .. thus eggs I didnt have a problem with. Wouldnt buy them from a supermarket though.

I was raised fully vego so it was easy for me. I admire your journey though!!! What a transformative experience Thailand has been for you.

Resteeming, gorgeous heart!

Thank you darling! I really appreciate your kind words and support! Glad you liked the bit about Sahdguru, he is such a wise man, and speaks so eloquently on so many topics. I really like the way he thinks about it; makes perfect sense to me. 💗💗

I am still struggling with maintaining a proper diet without cheese and milk. It is very difficult, because I cant find any replacement for them. I have been drinking milk daily all my life and this is a big change for me. I reduced cooked food and eat more fruits and raw vegetables. Dont eat meat or chicken anymore, but sea food once in a while. I feel healthier and more energetic.

Enjoy your Weekend :)

I used to drink a lot of milk as well, but then I started drinking almond and coconut milk instead. Putting coconut milk and honey in your coffee is SOOOO good! It's definitely not the same flavor though, so if you're drinking straight glasses of milk, it won't be the same. But, if you start drinking less and less, I know you could break the habit.

I actually turned lactose intolerant when I went off dairy, and stopped having to take allergy medicine (no more congestion!), gained clearer skin and lost weight. I just don't think it makes sense to drink cow's milk. Mammals who produce milk, produce it for their own babies. It's formulated for the baby mammal of the milk producer. Specifically designed for a baby cow. And well, we just aren't baby cows! haha. Not passing any judgements! But when I started accepting that truth more, it became easier to say no and choose another option.

But for cheese....Vegan cheese is incredible!!! I'm lucky enough to have a vegan cheese company where I live, and they deliver! And it's super affordable and delicious. Most cities these days have vegan cheese somewhere though! And many health food stores too. And if you find the right product, it tastes EXACTLY like cheese. Look for nutritional yeast in your grocery store. You can make the most creamy, cheesy things with that stuff!

Good luck on your own journey. Listen to your body and your intuition. As long as you keep making choices to better your health and increase your energy, I'm sure you'll find what works for you.

Thanks for reading and commenting!

Uncomplicated article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))

What a heartfelt and honest post @rainbowrachel. I have to admit cheese is my biggest weakness. That said by having our own organic homestead I eat plenty of fruit and veggies . The only cheese I eat, is that I make myself from my beautiful goats organic milk. I used to be vegan but with a family (including all the parents) living with us it is not easy. However I absolutely refuse to eat anything that is not lovingly grown on our own organic homestead. What happens in the meat/chicken industry is horrific. I believe that unless the western world is prepared to raise their own "meat" in a free roaming and compassionate environment then they have absolutely no right to actually eat it.

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment @buckaroo! For those who are raising their own animals and making their own cheese in humane ways, I definitely think this is OK, and pretty cool. The horrors of the meat and dairy industry are the real demons in this situation, not necessarily the products themselves. Hopefully more people will awaken to this madness and decide it's not worth supporting these industries.

However, the negative physical effects of cheese still clearly show up in my own body, so I stick to vegan cheese. Luckily there is a vegan cheese company here in Chiangmai (Chiangmai Bread) and they make and deliver AMAZING vegan cheese and other products that are incredibly affordable and insanely delicious! yum!!!

Thanks for your meaningful comment!

Great post! I think it's definitely easier to change your diet if you're moving somewhere where people have different habits than in the country you lived before. All the fruits in Thailand are amazing - they're so sweet and tasteful - the food you can buy at home in supermarkets are nothing compared to the ones from Thai markets. It's great to hear about the changes you've made, I might try it too and see how far I'll get with this diet :) Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for reading! And yes, you're so right. Moving to a new place where the people and the culture and the lifestyle are very different can really help to break patterns and old, unhelpful habits; which is exactly what happened to me. Moving was the catalyst to starting so many new changes for me. Of course, changes still can be made right from home, right where you are now, but for some it can be much more challenging.

And you're right. The fruits in other parts of the world just don't compare to those in tropical countries. The fruit here is so sweet and abundant!

I hope you decide to give it a try if you're feeling intuitively that it would be a good idea. Take it slow and go easy on yourself. I eat better and more delicious meals now than I ever did when I was eating meat and dairy. If you look up the right recipes and get the right ingredients, the possibilities are truly endless! Feel free to reach out to me for support or help if you need it!

Thank you for sharing your journey! I think mine is quite similar and I really relate to your reasons for a plant based diet :) Very good reminder and makes me want to cut down on my diary use again, which always grow a bit when I return to Denmark, simply because of the overall variety of food here (I miss the tropical fruits!)

I totally understand. It's quite the battle when I go home to the US. My parents LOVE cheese, and meat and it's always all around me, and I find it quite hard to resist the bagels and cream cheese.... Sometimes I give in and still eat them, but very infrequently. Moderation is sometimes the key. Thanks for reading and commenting :)

Good article, great post, enjoyed the read, have an upvote.

I have been drifting more and more towards plantbased eating as well, for different reasons.

Being a german, I like efficiency and how much time, effort and food goes into meat that usually ends up being of the lowest quality isn't something I can look over easily. Also, stereotypes are fun.

Meat itself isn't even all that rich in flavor either. What usually really brings out the flavor is the cooking method and spices. With spices being minerals and plants themselves, go figure.

If I were a better and more dedicated cook, I would have probably went full on vegan/vegetarian already, but every now and then, I still get weak and want some meat. Thats the conditioning of years that needs to get out of my head. But I get there.

At least you're on the path @paparodin!!! Even being aware of these facts is a great start and more than many know. Some friends of mine have made a rule that they will never buy meat to cook in their own home, but once in a while, when they go out to eat, they will allow themselves to eat some meat. So maybe that would be a way to help you go a bit further. I can also suggest looking up ways to make "meat-like" things (portabello mushrooms can be super "meaty" when cooked a certain way, as well as making "burgers" from blackbeans, or chickpeas, or even beets!) Get creative!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I truly appreciate it!

Commenting seems to be a rare habit on this platform. You seem to do fine with your own community on here when it comes to that, though.

Very nice and informative post. I like how you describe your journey. The assortment of tropical fruit you have there is very similar to what we have in tropical North Queensland at the tip of Australia. Love the mangoes, pawpaws (papayas), mangosteens, custard apples and all. And the sugar bananas are the best. I prefer a sugar banana over any other sweet or salty snack anytime. It's pure bliss and I feel so lucky to have this abundance. Who needs processed food when nature provides pure, unaltered goodness?

Yes! Fruit is amazing!!!! Sadly, not everyone has access to the abundance and deliciousness of fruits that you and I have access too, but that give us all the more reason to indulge on them all the time! Mmmmm! Ever try making "nice-cream"? You just blend up frozen bananas and coconut milk, and maybe add some cinnamon or vegan chocolate or flavorings.... Fruit is the best!!!

Listening to your body, balanced.... for me, in my plant based journey, organic outweighs "vegan" anytime and I think there is place for cruelty free eggs, fish etc. Lovely post, Rachel , reflecting much humanity and generosity of spirit.

Thank you @artemislive! I always appreciate your comments :) Eliminating the cruel and inhuman practices is definitely one of the biggest steps in the right direction. I have heard though, that the requirements for an "organic" label aren't very specific, and that they may not be able to be trusted. Not sure though. Probably worth looking into!!

I really really love this post @rainbowrachel because you talk about a plantbased diet without being an ass about it.

I eat a lot of plantbased, but it has to suit me at that moment. Convenience is key. But the arrogance that so many vegans take in with the 'I am better than you because you are a dumb meat eater' is a real turn off, even though I do love skipping meat as well.

I can totally understand that maintaining this way of eating is a lot easier in Thailand, you use so much more what grows in the area. That makes it easier and also so much more understandable and natural.

I just moved away from the caribbean island of Sint Martin recently. Although it is caribbean and you would expect loads and loads of fresh fruits there, reality was that not so much grows there because the island is too full with humans. Thus everything has to be imported in cool containers. That makes you think also about what has been done to your food up to the point where it reaches you..

Thanks for this one!

Thank you for reading and commenting @karinxxl. I'm glad I didn't come off as an "ass"! Haha, that was one of my main goals. I also really, really dislike when people try to "shame" others into eating a certain way. I don't think that is how to get here. I don't think people should make decisions because they were shamed into feeling a certain way. Education, open discussion, and research and experimentation, for me, are much better methods into making a good decision.

I hope to help some people make these discoveries and realizations through my own experiences, so thank you for taking the time to read.

I feel you on the island thing. Even though I picture islands to be full of fruit, so many islands have to import everything, making the prices sky-rocket. Hopefully now, or soon, you find yourself someplace where you have access to more of the fruits and foods you want!

Yeah Here in Holland (where I am at the moment) loads of plants are available as we export a lot of them even, but I am not sure how this will be in Switzerland where I am moving to.

And I also have the guilty pleasure in cheese hehe. I am working on it, replaced all dairy (milk yoghurt, not cheese :D) for soy and coconut already and that feels good.

no exactly, the only way to have a decent debate about this is in a non-lecturing way i find, and you did a great job in this!

Papaya contains papain and is a very healing fruit and used as a medicine, ur body is craving it for a number of reasons most likely. Being in a tropic country is so wonderful for access to the most delicious fruits. I did struggle on Thailand when it came to eating fresh vegtables but we found a stall that sold some of the most bizarre things I never seed before. Nature has so much more to offer than just a standard carrot hehe

So glad you wrote about your experience! I became a plant based vegan 8 years ago and have observe the same benefits. I was born and raised in Taiwan. I know exactly what you are writing about. All the amazing fruit and vegetables over there, making it super easy to go plant based. I go back to visit my folks every year and I always stuff my face with fruit (especially Papaya). My diet is consist of 70% fruit and it has done wonders for me and my husband.

It's sad to see cheese coming in to the culture the last few years though. I grew up never eating cheese. Just like you mentioned, cheese is super expensive in Asia. However, the last few years I have noticed people eating more cheese and I can definitely see a difference in the way people look and their health. Thank you for sharing your experience!

Thanks for posting this, Rachel!! The call to go vegetarian has been bugging me lately and I know I'm not far away from it. I doubt I'll ever be 100% veg-- I'm a southern gal who loves BBQ and I live at the beach, so seafood. But I love hearing your approach! And that pizza is still an occasional treat to self. Pizza is my weakness for sure.... thank you!

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