8 Foods That Help Your Beauty

in health •  5 years ago  (edited)

Paying attention to your diet can result in numerous health benefits. Some of these gains will add some glow to your looks, making your skin, hair, and nails healthy and beautiful. Here are the essential eight foods that can help your beauty to surface from within.


Apart from their crunchy and sweet flavour, carrots are well known for their numerous health and beauty effects. They are a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and they are packed with a pigment crucial for the protection of our skin – beta carotene. Introducing carrots to your diet will keep your skin healthy and glowing, and provide relief from skin blemishes or scars.

Carrots can also protect your skin from the effects of ageing. Antioxidants, such as vitamin C and vitamin A prevent wrinkles, uneven skin tone or pigmentation, and help you maintain your skin's elasticity. Regularly consuming carrot juice can help you if you’re having problems with dry skin, as it is rich with potassium.

To solve your oily skin problems, try making your own carrot honey face mask. All you should do is boil a carrot, blend it and mix well with two spoons of honey. You can boost the anti-inflammatory effects of the mask by using highly antiseptic Manuka Honey.

Dark Chocolate

Did you know that you can indulge in dark chocolate stress-free and without any sense of guilt? Dark chocolate is high in antioxidants, so it protects your skin, keeping it smooth. Rich in vitamins A, C, D, E and B1, calcium and iron, it nourishes and hydrates your skin, and it also has great sun protection properties, helping you ward off sunburns and skin cancer.

Thanks to its stress-relieving qualities, such as stimulating the release of endorphins, it reduces stress hormones. When you feel good, you look good too, and your skin glows. To enjoy the benefits make sure your chocolate has at least 70% of cocoa.


All the avocado hype won’t go anywhere soon! This potent fruit has so many great health and beauty benefits that it can only become even more appealing. Consume it sliced on top of your salads or in blended in guacamole - any way you like it, as avocados are beneficial for your skin, hair, and nails.

Avocados are packed with monosaturated fatty acids, that can do wonders for your entire organism. Healthy fats lower your bad cholesterol levels and reduce any signs of ageing, as they keep your skin moisturized and healthy.

Avocados are also rich in vitamin E which protects your skin from oxidative stress and damage. These effects can be achieved more easily with the help of vitamin C. With this tropical fruit, you get 2-in-1 - half of an avocado provides 10% of your recommended daily vitamin E intake and 17% of the RDI for vitamin C.

Eggs and Chicken

For beautiful hair and nails, increase your protein intake in the form of eggs and chicken. Without enough high-quality protein, your hair will become brittle, weak, and will lose some of its colour and shine. Proteins coming from these sources will strengthen your hair, while biotin will keep your scalp healthy and stimulate hair growth.


Packed with antioxidants, fibre, and fatty acids, flaxseeds are among the healthiest foods on the planet. Rich in omega-3s, flaxseeds will help your body produce collagen, a structural protein that prevents and reduces wrinkles and makes your skin look youthful.

Flaxseeds are known for fighting inflammation, so they will help the healing process in the cases of rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, redness, and acne. If you want to get the most out of these brownish, golden seeds, eat them raw, as cooking will destroy most of their nutrients.

To keep your skin healthy from the inside, and beautiful from the outside, add two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds to your diet, daily.


If you’re looking for the best choice of fruits for a snack, choose berries. Berries are loaded with antioxidants, so they can reduce skin wrinkling and protect it from premature ageing. They are a great source of vitamin C, which is important for keeping your skin strong. Furthermore, vitamin C is essential for producing collagen, which will help your blood vessels and cells grow, allowing your skin to stretch and stay firm.


Tomatoes are a great source of beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene, as well as vitamin C. Thanks to the major carotenoids which are found in tomatoes, if you’re consuming them regularly, your skin will be healthy, less likely to wrinkle, and protected from the sun damage. To get the most out of tomatoes, pair them with fat, such as olive oil or cheese, and boost their bioavailability.


Lentils are packed with protein and iron and are an important source of folic acid. Folic acid is essential for maintaining the health of your red blood cells thus ensuring your skin cells are supplied with enough oxygen.

As lentils are beneficial to the renewal of your cells and growth of your hair, consider making them a part of your diet.

Be mindful of the foods you consume and the effects they have on your body and your overall wellbeing.

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