You Will Go Crazy If Your Gut Isn't Healthy
The Role B12 And Iron Plays In Your Overall Health

Maternal Intake of Supplemental Iron and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Mothers of children with autism less likely to have taken iron supplements during pregnancy

I have 3 studies regarding iron deficiency in women over the age of 35, that don’t take in enough iron rich food, and are pregnant, which also are obese with hypertension and or diabetes have a five-fold increased risk of having an autistic child.
Also if a mother takes in enough folic acid rich foods or takes supplants there is a reduced risk for autism. Professor Rebecca Schmidt also noted in her study that iron was important. Anemia caused by iron and calcium deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency for pregnant women and children. Iron is critical during pregnancy, 40 to 50% of women and their children are affected by lack of iron. Without sufficient amounts of iron during gestation neurotransmitter production, myelination, immune function and brain development have been associated with autism.
Taking iron supplements may make the problem worse. Many people are now suffering from gut dyspiosis, leaky gut with overgrowth of pathogenic gut bacteria.

Your bodies epithelial cells which line your intestinal walls and act as a seal preventing foriegn matter from invading the gut or leaking out of your gut are weakened from toxins and or illness. This will leave microscopic gaps in your guts lining allowing food, proteins, and peptides to leak out, which might end up in your bloodstream. This causes the body to launch its antibodies, which is an inflammation response, not an immunity response. This problem also causes malabsorption of nutrients.
Common inflammatory agents are antibiotics, vaccines, gluten ( or the glyphosate sprayed on wheat before harvest), refined sugar, chemicals in processed foods and artificial sweeteners, stress, and medication. Many common pharmaceuticals like antidepressants, fluoride, oral contraceptives, and pain relievers disrupt the gut microbiome. The list goes on, you can do your own research if you have inflammation problems.

Because of the degradation of the gut the environment becomes a haven for pathogenic bacteria, which thrive on an iron rich environment. Taking iron supplements, isolated iron is a pathogenic bacteria’s idea of heaven.
Studies have shown, not all, but many people with an overgrowth of pathogenic gut flora suffer from anemia. People with a dysfunctional gut ecosystem have a difficult time absorbing vitamins and minerals from their food because good gut bacteria and a healthy gut system helps break down nutrition for absorption and health gut bacteria produce many of the nutrients we need for a healthy mind and body.

The iron loving bacteria are Actinomyces app., toxin producing E. coli, Corynebacterium spp., this is just a few of the pathogenic bacteria that inhabit a dysfunctional gut and consume most of the bodies iron. Don’t feed the bad bacteria iron supplements!
A study by Natasha Campbell McBride has shown that if you have low iron you may be suffering from a low count of healthy gut bacteria. She has shown in her study eating foods with iron added does increase unhealthy gut bacteria, while healthy gut bacteria helps their host store iron.

Her study mentions infant formula, vitamins, supplemental drinks fortified with iron increased pathogentic gut bacteria. Also Salmonella spp. count was higher with the group that was fed iron fortified food and drinks. There was an increase of faecal Enterobacterlacea along with faecal calprotectin, which is a marker for gut inflammation. There are additional studies in Kenyan infants, which suffered an increase of Enterobacteriaceae, E. coli while a decrease in Bifidobacteriaceae, an increase in Enterbacteriacea and a decrease in Lactobacillaceae. Formulas with iron supplements should be avoided, especially for infants that live in famine stricken war zones or are highly vaccinated like here in the West.

Healing a gut or protecting an infants immature immune system and gut through breast feeding and introducing healthy nutritious foods along with eating probiotic foods would be a less expensive way of healing the gut rather than trying to fix the problem using expensive vaccine programs and iron fortified foods, formulas, and drinks.
There are several diets I found that address an impaired digestive system like leaky gut syndrome. Most are too hard to follow and expensive, especially for poor people. Eating healthy traditional foods, especially active fermented foods, breast feeding, avoiding harsh pharmaceuticals would be the easiest and cheapest way to heal. I’ve read allergies, chronic fatigue, depression, A.D.H.D and many other autoimmune diseases are symptoms of gut dysfunction.

Active B12 is found exclusively in animal tissues. An analog to B12 can be found in a few plant foods, but it actually blocks the uptake of B12 the body can use and increases your need for it. B12 is stored in your liver, kidneys and other areas of the body. A person can go many years, studies show 7 years, without showing a deficiency because of the bodies storage system. B12 deficiency symptoms are lack of mental clarity, apathy, muscle weakness, and fatigue. Long term deficiency leads to depression, dementia, and fertility problems.
Most people that are not vegetarians or vegans store between 2,000 to 3,000 picograms of B-12 per day. B12 is part of the process that changes homocysteine into methionine. High homocysteine levels are associated with heart disease, deterioration of arteries and nerves. Vegan foods that claim to have B12 are proving they do not raise B12 or help increase storage.

There are many reasons one could be experiencing low energy, however if you are eating a diet with low levels of B12 or taking an analog of B12 you may be experiencing depression, numbness, tingling in the hands and feet, nervousness, paranoia, hyperactive reflexes, poor memory and behavior changes. Poor absorption of B12 can also happen when our gut is dysfunctional and healing the gut will have to be addressed before taking vitamins or you will be flushing your expensive vitamins down the toilet.
Several studies then I cared to read mention vegans and live food people throughout the age spectrum and sexes have a risk of becoming B12 deficient. Newborn babies are particularly at risk but if their vegan or raw food mother breastfeeds and supplements with B12 their child will have no developmental problems.
One of the reasons why B12 is difficult to absorb is because it needs to attach to protein. The B12 molecule is very large. Many people have problems absorbing the protein along with B12 if they have gastric, indigestion, and heartburn.

Animal products that carry B12 are beef and beef liver, lamb, snapper, venison, salmon, shrimp, scallops, chickens and the egg yolk. I remember as a child having to eat liver at once a week and I didn’t like the texture. However, my Mom was strict about eating everything on your plate. What ever was served you had to eat it! Eating liver used to be common but I don’t know anyone that eats liver often. I don’t want to eat animal products from factory farms because of antibiotics and chemicals like glyphosate consumed through eating corn and soy products. additionally ruminants only eat grass and become sick when fed grain and soy.
Among pregnant women, nursing women and infants, the effects of vitamin B12 deficiency can be particularly devastating. Pregnant women with B12 deficiency carry an increased risk of having a baby born with neural tube defects, a class of birth defects affecting the infant's brain and spinal cord. Spina bifida, which can cause paralysis, is a type of neural tube defect, as is anencephaly, which is fatal. A B12 deficiency has also been linked to infertility and repeated miscarriages Pregnant and nursing women vitamin B12 deficiency can experience problems. Pregnant women that are deficient in B12 can increase the risk of Spina bifida. This can cause paralysis, neural tube defect, which can be be fatal, including a large part of the brain is missing called anencephaly.

There are options for Vegans
There are options if you are open to eating eggs and dairy, like raw milk and organic free range eggs. Seafood can provide B12 but with all the pollution in our oceans I don’t eat seafood. There are B12 supplements but they are expensive! If you are older like me you may want to take B12 supplants because the stomachs production of hydrochloric acid decreases, which is needed to releases vitamin B12 from your food. I eat gallbladder friendly food, my favorite is red beets. I ferment my own beets and get a double whammy, gut friendly food and gallbladder friendly too.

Most vitamins sold in stores and pharmacies are of poor quality and I cannot give you advice on which brand is the best. You will have to do your own research.
You can bypass your digestion and buy B12 you can take a the vitamin orally. You can also get B12 a injections but that is very costly!

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I find that most people in the world have some sort of gut issue that is manifesting itself into different diseases ranging from mild dry skin, eczema to severe epilepsy, brain diseases, cancers...etc. Bone broth and fermented veggies has helped my family keep down the inflammation and heal the gut.
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I have done a colon or gut cleanse to get much of the bad crap out of there with a product called Oxypowder. Otherwise we run a higher risk of illness and cancer. Iron and b 12 makes sense. thanks @reddust.
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Holy Moly, I’m on oxypowder right now! I just did my annual worming and will be introducing prebiotics and probiotic regime after I’m done 💩 out this winters garbage...thank you @enjoywithtroy, stay healthy to support freedom and our ability to defend ourselves from tyrannical governments, banks, institutions, and corporations😈
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Wow! This has been my new thing, studying the gut and its affect on the brain and body. I have seen some amazing science on it. Going to read your post now :p.
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I found my gallbladder and pancrease, thyroid all related to my gut and mental health...good luck @weirdheadaches....I hardly ever get migraines now, I only get them if I eat late in the evening now...
I had to cut out my whisky, wine, grain, and sugar....I can have a little bit, like a couple times a year....I cried like a baby, I love whisky and wine....hahahaha
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Why whisky and wine??? you know its side effect then why you love it as you alsways share about health
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Booze has too much sugar and wrecks hovac on your digestive/immune system.
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Yeah i love all that, especially whiskey! Hopefully my next life all the things i love will be good for me :p. Pizza beer sugar bread mayonnaise chemicals lol mmm mmm.
Im glad you found what works! This whole gut thing is amazing. I posted a vid recently, ill go scrounge it up it you havent seen already. Im wanting to do a water only fast and work on the gut. Biggest problems i have is beer and cigarettes. Im running to them for relief. My main meal is chicken and a veggie.
Ty for the post, Highly Resteemed!
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Try and eat some cooked beets, if you pee red you will know you are not producing enough stomach and cigarettes are so hard on you...I loved to smoke a cigar with my Scapa Whisky...sigh
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Yeah they are. I quit for years and my pain didn't change :(. Im now weaker and it would be very much helpful to quit, yet im living off them. Its a newer symptom but im sure my guts not well. I do take supplements and probiotics. But basically i only eat 1 meal a day and puke it in the mornings. Alcohol is the main culprit. Poopy. Ty @reddust you are truly a loving soul.
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You gotta stop or you will die...(hugs), you can do this, I have been a friend to several people who had to quit drinking (both black out drunks - ex vitenam vet and a crazy coder guy) stayed with them through thick and thin.
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That is very honorable of you. I can only imagine. I love your candidness, ty. It is true. I need something else i can do when it gets bad.
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Finally people (science types) are starting to talk about the whole gut biome.
For all my life it has been, you are low on iron, you must need more iron, eat supplements. Never even considering that there may be something eating the iron and keeping it from you.
Maybe by the end of my life they will stop destroying milk (pasteurizing and homogenizing.) Taking a perfect food and turning it into a body destroying, mucus creating deadly substance.
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I never took iron supplements thank goodness and I try and eat foods that support acid and bile production. I do take b12 supplements because I know old people are deficienat....
I will be writing about gut bacteria, health, and epigenetics as my writing and research skills improve. This is my area of interest! Science is finally letting go of some of their old views and seeing a bigger picture regarding our digestive system is related to our soil system and the health of the world.
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Epigenetics, me too. Bruce lipton?
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Epigenetics is another type of genetic code that stores our experiences to pass on to the next generation...;-)
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The B12 situation seem dire for vegans, but i suspect we absorb some of what we produce, mabye even enough for adults to sustain. It is notoriously hard to measure nutrient production in the GIT, even that of amino acids. EAA´s are no longer essential :)
@reddust Very nice post and the topics are the most interesting out there, I as well love epigenetics and nutrition and the combination is just perfect!
I wrote a little piece on arsenic and epigenetical changes, really interesting and there are so many new publications coming every day on the topic :))
It is very true that science is changing regarding nutrition and I am so glad to in the middle of it all. I hope nutrition will take the place of many medicins sooner then later :)
@builderofcastles exactly, iron deficiency might often be , a symptom, needed to be addressed on a deeper level of nutrition, then what adding iron pills to a diet contributes!
One little thing, the sperm/egg cells are modified, removing all epigenetic changes, making then not inheritable by default. Some traits seem to be passed on regardless of identical DNA sequence, giving birth to the missing heredity paradox, very interesting to see if science can crack this soon.
Science have grouped the suspicions together in the field "Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance" If you are interested!
Peace & great work :)
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I searched and couldn't find vaccine damaged gut bacteria, vitamin/nutrition malabsorption rates, and autism research...
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There is a person(s) who is curing autism by a gut cleanse regime.
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I want double blind studies with large groups of people, there are studies coming out of india soon...
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@reddust I consume two natural products. These are bee pollen and kefir. Bee pollen has B12 vitamins found only in animal nutrients. Pollen contains Vitamin A, which is a textural development of the body and has an effect on the skin, and contains all the groups of vitamin B. Kefir is the indispensable drink of traditional Turkish cuisine. Kefir’start and refreshing flavor is similar to a drinking-style yogurt, but it contains beneficial yeast as well as friendly ‘probiotic’ bacteria found in yogurt. You absolutely must try..
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I love kefer, fermented foods of all kinds are great for our digestive system and mental health. My Korean Buddhist teacher used to feed me pressed pine pollen cookies that looked flowers and green tea.
I've made kefer and yogurt from raw cows milk. I don 't drink milk products sold in our store because they are cooked at a high pressure heat which deforms the protiens and makes my tummy hurt.
Excellent information @turkishcrew <3
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There are many ways to condition the stomach's health to remain stable. One of them is eating foods that have a neutral content. Because if the taste of food is too sharp then stomach acid will rise. For that if you have problems in the stomach, it would be nice to eat some of these foods. Curious what ?. Here's the list: Banana Banana fruit has a PH with a value of 5.6 which means very good for gastric health. Potassium content contained in it can play a good role to protect the stomach layer from excessive acid production. But according to one prominent doctor from the country said, that the ability of this fruit does not apply to everyone. This is stated because there are some people who stomach acid disease worsened after eating bananas. Melon One efficient way to lower the pressure of stomach acid is to consume melons. Fruits that have a high mineral content has PH levels of 6.1. With this excellent PH level, melons are highly capable of neutralizing excess acid production. In addition, the content contained in it can prevent damage to mucus in the stomach. Green vegetable In addition to eating fruits, a healthy way to reduce stomach acid production in the body is to change the diet, such as eating green vegetables. Vegetables such as broccoli, green beans, asparaga, cauliflower, these three vegetables can be cooked in any form, which is certainly safe for patients with stomach acid. Vegetables have good benefits for patients with stomach acid, because it contains very little sugar content. Meat Without Fat Almost everyone in Indonesia likes to eat meat. Animal products that have an advantage in their protein can be consumed by stomach acid by steaming, boiling, or baking. Chicken, beef, fish can help meet the needs of protein, as well as a source of daily Vitamin body.
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@shihabieee, thank you for the thoughtful reply, I just told my daughter she needs to cook her Brussels sprouts and other related veggies because they have chemicals that act like allergens if eaten uncooked and can cause bloating! I hope people can follow your lead regarding healthy eating!
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48-year-old Pradip Dhali was suffering from stomach pain. After coming to Calcutta, the doctor noticed that metal stuck in the stomach was stuck. Behind the Doctor of Surgery Where are the nails in the stomach and the soil from where? On Monday, doctors brought out 639 nails in the Calcutta Medical College Hospital after the surgery. There were two to two and a half-inch long nails. Pradeep's house is located in Gobardanga area of North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal. Siddhartha Biswas, the doctor of the surgical department of Calcutta Medical College, said that they brought nails from the patient's stomach with the magnet. Now the patient is healthy. Rahman karim, another doctor in the hospital, says there is a possibility of infection after surgery. The patient has been kept under observation for 72 hours. But where is the nail so nail? Doctors say the name of the disease is schizophrenia. It's a mental illness. The family says that the lamp often went to the house courtyard and ate it on the ground. Probably he used to eat nails and matte.
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Wow @moniristi, I've read vitamin difference can cause people to eat strange things, and now I am learning people who have unhealthy gut microbiome are prone to eating unusual things as well. I just finished reading an article that links schizophrenia is related to a dysfunctional gut microbiome as well! Thank you for your thoughtful post.
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Great information about B12 Intresting to read it keep sharing its good that after reading your post i also search from google and try to learn more huge thanks because you also provide some special links that are helpfull for me and also from your post i pick a point to search and read more about that and this time B12 i did not know that it is vitamine and where it is found and what its benifits and side effects keep sharing wsh you all the best
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Take you time reading @travelingwoman, the gist of my research is it is best to get your nutrition from whole foods and avoid injesting medication, foods, supplements that can cause harm. There are many people that lack proper nutrition and the medical world and scientist are finding out supplements and medicine don't work compating disease unless the population has a clean, safe place to live and proper nutrition!
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Yeah you can get B12 vitamine from fortified foods such as plant based milks and cereals. Also it's recommended to take B12 supplements anyway even if you are eating a lot of fortified foods. It's 100% safe because it’s not a fat soluble vitamin. It’s water soluble so you cannot possibly overdose on it.
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I read if the fortified foods use isolated iron this will cause overgrowth of gut pathogens. You can overdose on iron, it is a very complicated system regarding iron uptake between the gut and our gut bacteria. The doctors are finding iron supplements thought to protect from malaria actually harm the host and make infections deadly.
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And I'm having headache now. I never knew this could be connected to guts. I bought B12 vitamin. Most of the vitamin c fruits I'm supposed to be taking have been ruled out for me because of peptic ulcer.
And I feel very depressed more often recently.
Anyways thanks for sharing this.
Lol! Your write-up on flagging spam comment got me laughing though.
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Oh I am sorry, (hugs)
If you have an ulcer have you been checked for this ==>
If you are not feeling well, check your sleep patterns, exercise, aolchol intake, some medication make people depressed as well because they hurt your gut bacteria and ability to digest and absorb nutrition, even over the counter medications...
@ogoowinner, I flag when it gets ridiculous, and the copy paste pisses me off! I worked for hours on my project and they copy paste...oh boy, I will fly swat them with a flag...hahahaha
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Definitely, I know my sleep pattern is obviously the number one problem. Then exercise. I really need to handle those two.
(hugs back) I really want that in my life now.
Thanks for your kind response.
The comment spamming guys suck! Lol! But somehow, I believe that the amount of VP I'll use in flagging, can make someone from the Third World not to go to bed with an empty stomach.
I'm not against your choice of flagging though! But as someone who has been through a lot of painful experiences in life, I believe that if the amount of strength we channel to aggressive correction can be used for loving expressions, the world will be a much more better place.
I respect everyone's opinion though.
(hugs again).
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I have been homeless with 2 children and never sought help though begging. I think it's a cultural thing, I've never been on government assistence either. I just doubled down and plowed through my issues and did what I had to do...
Being poor has nothing to do with beng rude, scamming and manipulative ;-)
I only flag at 1% and most figure out asking for votes/follows and commenting withot translating and reading the article is wrong. Especially when I split my rewards with my voters and commentars. I even check out blogs and give the really good ones a votebot bid....
People say it is easy in America but if you live in rural America there is very little help, we have what you call rugged individualism. If you read our constitution it is easy to see why!
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I admire your strength and courage @reddust.
Maybe we could be friends and talk more if you wouldn't mind.
I'm on discord, steemit chat, telegram, facebook and whatsapp. You can choose anyone you would prefer.
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I'm ready to be healthy!
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You are just a spud, I am going to eat you @sadpotato ....hahhaha
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Couple vids i posted on epigenetics and gut bacteria. Very interesting subjects.
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This article has been on my save list ever since I saw it in my feed because it looked so interesting! Glad I finally made time to read it and learn the valuable info about iron deficiency and gut bacteria. Thank you for sharing my dear friend!
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There are some genetic influrences that make a difference. Some people have a variation of the gene MTHFR that keeps them from changing the folate in food or the folic acid in supplements into the methylfolate the body actually uses. If they consume large amounts of folic acid supplements or even folate foods, their bodies actually get LESS useful methylfolate. They need to avoid ordinary B vitamin supplements and take a different but inexpensive form of the vitamin called methylfolate.A Also about 1% of the population of the US and UK, including me, has a genetic condition that causes our bodies to take too much iron out of our food. By the time you're 60 or so, you can literally begin to "rust." Some of us need less iron, not more.
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Men and menopausal women need a lot less iron then women and children, this was the gist of the article...
I came across several articles about unique individuals that do not process iron as the majority of us. @robertsrister you write very well even though you are rusting, thank you for the thoughtful comment.
I wonder what the gene variant is for...why? I will read up on your condition, I hope it’s not too painful❤️
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It is an established fact that vitamin b12 aka cyanocobalamin is an important vitamin that is synthesized in nature by most micro organism and the only way animals or humans acquire it is by eating other animals, dietary foods. But it does not occur in fruits, or cereals. It's defiency is mostly associated with megaloblastic anaemia. It's role in the body is numerous e.g it functions as a cofactor in the enzyme methionine synthase, this enzyme is the one that help in the synthesis of methionine. It is indirectly involved in DNA synthesis.
The need to ensure that our diet contains vitamin b12 is of paramount importance.
Well said and pointed out facts and alternatives for the vegans @reddust
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Great information, It's a very interesting post!
I enjoyed the article
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We wouldn't be able to have a healthy gut if we are constantly eating meet and dairy with full of bacteria and all the chemical that comes with it.
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Да действительно, тема довольно сложная и насущная, когда у меня родился ребенок, была проблема с железом, а точнее был низкий гемоглобин, пробовали давать добавки в виде препаратов, но для маленького ребенка привело к осложнениям со стороны кишечника и начались другие проблемы, решением все таки было и от того и от другого только питанием.
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what are your nutrition credentials? do you have any? active b12 is not found exclusively in animals. b12 is a coenzyme. not a vitamin. its produce by cyanobacteria in the soil and water. traditionally plants and water had plenty of b12 for nutritional needs. the body requires a TINY amount of b12 a day. 2.5 micrograms. 6 micrograms is recommended.
Luckily, vitamin B12 is made by bacteria and doesn’t need to be obtained from animal products. phew! just like all nutrition, all essential nutrients are only produced by plants and the rest are synthesized endogenously within our bodies. all nutrients coming from animals, only make them from the plants they eat down the food chain. phew. thank you biochemistry!
can i ask u this... if human are b12 deficient from not eating animals which only get b12 from eating grass and vegetables which bioaccumulate b12 from the cyanobacteria in the water and soil, then how are we deificient, but the animals are not?? the answer is partially due to analogues.
the truth of clinical science is that the animals are deficient as well. because we've stripped the bacteria from the soil and water via processing and filtration, and poor farming methods. thats why they have to supplement animals with b12.
recommending people eat eggs and dairy is incredibly irresponsible. putting people's health at risk of the worlds LEADING CAUSE of death, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, renal failure, and more, all caused by animal foods. ESPECIALLY EGGS, AND DAIRY are the absolute worst sources of endocrine toxicity via biomagnification of toxins up the food chain in animal fat and eggs have the most cholesterol of any animal food. a single egg a week increases the risk of heart disease SIGNIFICANTLY. doesnt matter if its raw or cooked, organic or free range, they cannot LEGALLY be marketed as "SAFE, HEALTHY, NUTRITIOUS ETC" the american egg board has been sued a number of times for trying to market eggs using these words and they cant because its false advertising based on all the clinical science.
. often omnivores in the most recent studies on b12 have been more susceptiple to deficiency than vegans, simply for the fact that most vegans are aware of proper nutritional supplementation by now, and omnivores largely arent.
otherwise accurate microbiome gut/brain axis info. youve got a ways to go on nutritional science of animal foods tho. peace
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Asking for someone's credentials without offering any such consideration while going at length with your rigmarole of what you think nutrition is with classic strawman of mass produced gmo grain fed cows are given b12 because there's no b12 in the stripped soil as an argument that it's comparable to organic feed, free range dairy which isn't supplemented especially since all the vitamins the field can produce freely, and you still don't have issue with offering horrendous advice without any credentials which you question outright. Where are your credentials, you hypocrite?
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Great information about health......This content give us important health tips.......thanks for another important post......
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oh really informational post.i did not know that.good work in the article.creative post
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