Recent diet changes and their results..

in health •  7 years ago 

So as the title suggests.. I decided to change some aspects of my diet and see how I reacted to each so I could create an overall stable and diet that my body likes. This will be a continuing series hopefully and will update you on my progress.

  1. No sugary drinks.
    This one was difficult as I have a mad sugar addiction. I decided to do this one on my week off of work as I wouldn't be tempted to buy my all time essential energy drink; Relentless - Cherry flavour on my way to work. Now this 500ml beverage contains 38g of sugar (46% daily amount) and therefore not very good for you. I used to have 2-3 of these a day when I was 15-19 but now, I can't even have a regular can of coke without it keeping me up all night.
    Unfortunately, my job is very tiring, consumes a lot of my energy and requires you to have 10 thoughts in your head at all times. Focus. So I end up having at least one each shift. But if I don't go to work, I don't pass the shop that sells them and therefore won't buy one.

The results.
I tried this once before whilst continuing my full time job and found on day one I was just tired. Day 2 the headaches began, by day 3 I was in agony with a migraine but day 4 my sugar levels had adapted to my new preferred beverage - plain ol' tap water. This worked well for about 2 weeks until one day I just caved and ended up hooked on two a day.

On the second attempt I was absolutely fine. I ended up staying home for most of my week off and found I didn't need to regain energy from the drink and didn't even have any headaches.
I did however randomly vomit.
Now I never vomit. Ever.
So this worries me slightly but soon forgot about it as I was fine after, like nothing happened.
But since going back to work I struggled, day 1 I was dead and no use to anyone. Day 2 I had my first relentless in 10 days and worked amazingly well, got so much done. But then I vomited mid-sentence to a colleague and ran the bathroom to continue puking. It was then that I started coughing blood. Yes, actual chunks of blood.
Turns out all those years of abusing energy drinks have given me stomach ulcers.

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Best of luck to you friend. Whenever I get energy drinks, which is maybe once I week, I always get diet because the sugar in the drink actually gets me very tired.