in health •  7 years ago 

A responsive smile is a smile a baby gives when a baby tries to respond to pleasant things or something that makes him feel good. Whatever creates a sense of happiness in your baby's heart, your baby will respond with a smile. The responsive smile of a baby at 6-8 weeks old is like a smile when he feels comfortable as you tackle him in the cradle, as you embrace his tiny body, as you put him to sleep with the singing of your voice. Pay attention to your baby's response when you do these things, your baby will surely reward you with an adorable smile.

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Smiling is something that is so important in society. Unfortunately, many people don't have the ability to detect whether a smile is "real" or "fake". For example, some Asian cultures smile when both good and bad things happen. One smile is obviously different from the other.

I conducted a study to determine whether or not western people have the ability to tell whether a smile is genuine or not and published it in an academic journal. Click here to see what I found!

Thank you,
Spencer Coffman

This is incredible! Love it. @rizki7