RE: How Lack of Sleep Can Affect Your Mind and Body

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How Lack of Sleep Can Affect Your Mind and Body

in health •  8 years ago 

That's so true, my brother only sleeps 4-5 hours a night and he looks horrible, his body can only take that so many days and then he crashes and sleeps 9 hours and looks great! I can function on 6 hours of sleep while others cant! Thanks for your comment @poetrychick

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Oh wow! I don't know how anyone can function on 4 hours of sleep a night! Sounds painful. A lot of people get 6 hours because they are so busy, that's definitely understandable... but doesn't that still feel like it's not enough?

You are right lately I have been very tired between home life, son, work and steemit! 6 hours sometimes feels like nothing my eyes feel heavy. Following you!

Sounds like you have your hands full! Thanks, I'm following you too! :) Try to get some shut eye... chamomile tea is very soothing.

More than you know! Doing the best I can though. Thanks, I drink hibiscus tea too!

Well, keep it up. :) I Love Hibiscus tea!!!

Me too, I also like oolong but I can't drink that at night!

Ah, yes, that has caffeine in it. I prefer decaf. green tea. And I can't even drink that after dinner! Lol... (Green and herbal teas are my favorites).