How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy ??? Just Ask My Wife.....

in health •  7 years ago 

How to lose weight after pregnancy ? Understandably a touchy topic for many women

Our Story

My wife found out in April of 2008 that she was pregnant for the first time with one of those Walmart pregnancy tests.. Later on we found out it was going to be a girl. We were so excited as we scrambled for different names to call our soon to be bundle of joy.

One name that just popped out of my head was Mackenzie. My wife loved it and we decided to use my mother's middle name Claire. So we were eagerly awaiting for that November 2008 for the birth of little Mackenize Claire.

It could not come soon enough as my wife was really becoming impatient with all the things you have to deal with being pregnant.

This Really Bugged Her

One thing she really disliked was the weight gain during this time. It just really bothered her. But to me she never looked so beautiful during this period of time with our little one in her belly :)

Of course , she could not disagree with my views enough.

But once our baby Mackenzie came out it was like a precious miracle that had been put in our lap.It was and still is up to this day a very joyful event.

After time went along, my wife was eager to get back in the swing of things and get back to her normal weight which was about 40 lbs lighter.

Back to the Nose on the Grindstone but then the Unexpected

She got back in her routine of doing the elliptical and light weights. But as soon as she was just getting back to where she was, guess what happened ? Thats right.... She became pregnant with our second daughter. She was born in February 2010. I know pretty close together but we figured why not get it all over with ;)

Plus, the girls are 7 3/4 and 9 now and are best friends which can be somewhat attributed to their closeness in age.

So that was the end of the baby making factory. Two is plenty for us. hehehe

But as happy as we were my wife wanted to know how to lose weight after pregnancy ? I mean she did a little bit after our first child. But she wanted to completely get back to her normal weight after our second was born.

All I can say to you women out there who want to know how to lose weight after pregnancy is to be patient and do it slowly !

What Wifey Does to Lose the Post pregnancy Weight

My wife has been doing that the last few years. She has adopted an exercise regimen that she dearly loves, kettle bells and Zumba, and she sets up a time that she can do it every week, week in and week out. She does not over due it because she know she will burn herself out and gain all the pregnancy weight back. And she is so happy to have lost almost all the pregnancy weight and is right close to where she was 5 years prior . Kudos to her and to all you other women who have done it and to the women I know who can do it too !

Eating is Key

My wife will also tell you eating is a key in how to lose weight after pregnancy. You just cannot get away from that. Splurging on carbs like she did during her pregnancy was common place but it will get you nowhere after its over with. She concentrates on getting her dose of fresh fruit and nuts as well as lean protein and fat and whole grains.Also drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated and keeping her skin look youthful is a must .


So in conclusion I (and my wife will also ) tell women who want to know how to lose weight after pregnancy to follow a simple exercise and eating regimen that you can make part of your Lifestyle for a very, very long time.

And have patience, patience,and patience!

Oh yeah did I mention you need to have patience :>)

Cheers to a sexy you,

Robert Andrew

P.S. Follow me as I delve into making money , health and fitness, and political and current events diatribe on Steemit

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