Day 12 Juice Fast -- Gunna Go Heavier on the Fruits...

in health •  8 years ago 

$18.18 USD for 2.5 days of juice and PERFECT nutrition!!

I went grocery shopping earlier and bought a case of honey dew melons and a big bag of sweet cherries. This will handle at least 2.5 days of my juicing for the fast. And at a price of $18.18 (about $7.30 "per day"), this is quite a bargain. Some people fear and say that juice feasting ("fasting") is expensive. This couldn't be further from the truth.


If you find juicing or eating raw vegan or raw fruitarian to be expensive, you're going to need to get out of the consumer world that you're currently in.

Because obviously... that market is taking advantage of you.

Yes. Fresh, ripe fruits and vegetables are NOT expensive. If you believe they're expensive, it's because you're doing business with companies that are taking advantage of you. They are selling you crap produce at an unreasonable price to purposely funnel you to buy their barcode products. After all, there are supplies that pay for "product placement", and if their products do not have a noticeable change in sales after product placement in-store marketing, they're not going to continue paying the grocery store business for poor performance!

That is the intention, and these business systems have been designed so, regardless of the type of business! Ahem, grocery stores.

No wait... Robert, trust me man... fruits and veggies are way more expensive than eating meat, grains, etc.

Erm, no. Which costs more: fruits and veggies, or fruits and veggies that were tailored by multiple human beings and then heated and then packaged and then sold? The latter uses significantly more resources, human time, and energy (especially through the cooking/heating part of processing). You cannot argue that fruits and veggies are more expensive without the ignorance that fruits and veggies have the least categories of associated expenses.

To have juice at a reasonable price, there are a few things you need to change about your current habit, and that is mainly to find another produce store! Here are tips to find a produce place that will match this whole juice fasting thing...

  • Ask if you can try/taste their produce at the store. Yes, ask if you can bite into an item! If workers are not comfortable with you doing this, that's a red flag. Places with great produce want you to taste how great it is!
  • Do they give discounts for buying in bulk? No? That's another red flag if they do not!
  • Does the store have a large produce selection? I mean, is at least 1/3 (or 1/2!) of the entire place produce? If not, that's a huge red flag that they're not in the business to sell produce. They're in the business to sell junk!

Screw those places! :) So move on, and...

  • Seek out new places to buy produce.
  • Buy in bulk! Don't just buy 1 honey dew...get a whole case, improve how you determine if they're ripe (mostly through trial and error), and eat the ripest ones first! Don't just buy 5 peaches, buy like 30.
  • Go to local farmers markets and network! Network, network, network... find out from other people about their favorite places to buy produce, find local farms to self-pick, etc.

Check out this HONEY DEW Juice!

64 ounces of honey dew is awesome. Sweet, but not too sweet. Hydrating. Perfect. The pitcher in the back is resting on top of a big quartz crystal "coaster". The quartz definitely brings the energetic field of the juice (or even water) into harmony. You can absolutely taste the difference...and I will admit: it takes hours to notice this difference by taste :)


My progress...

Lately my bowel movements have been consistent. At least twice a day, and the eliminations are mostly watery with chunks of extra stuff in there. Who knows what this extra stuff is.... at least on the other day, I was aware that the elimination had a ton of grapefruit juice pulp :)

For the early portion of today, I had a bunch of beet, lime, apple, and celery juice. Then I realized that I'm getting sick of these veggie juices--or at least sick of the roots. (Beets are roots.) I am so much cleaner than I was last year, and I'm sure it's the glucose in the beats that is bugging me. I can feel how non-optimal the beets are...they slow down my detox, yes, but I can also perceive that they put me in a less-optimal mode.

Did you know...? I do not drink carrot juice. And neither do I like carrots with salads. Sometimes it just happens that some shreds of carrots get into my mouth, but I stay away from carrots as much as possible. They are too "starchy" for my liking of having a cleaner vehicle.

I am definitely stronger every day. I can feel it. Yesterday evening I did 40 push ups within 2-3 minutes: 8 super wide-armed, 8 wide-armed, 8 standard push-ups, 8 straight-arm push-ups (I don't know what to call them, but my hands are aligned with my breasts), and 8 diamond push-ups. I did these all with perfect, and maybe exaggerated, form. I definitely couldn't do this as easy a few days ago!

One thing I've noticed is that I gained weight at the very beginning of this juice feast...and then I lost weight. I've gotten rid of about 6 lbs over the last 12 days. On average, this is like expelling half a pound of junk per day. I believe I lost 1-2 lbs per day (initially) on my first juice feast last year. Check out this image showing my weight (waste) loss since the start of the juice fast! I use the withings digital scale, and the app that comes with it allows this tracking:


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not organic you are drinking pesticides by the gallons. Glyphosate/Roundup cancer causing poison.

Who said not organic? :) So for fun, let's say it isn't organic: people who juice fast are clearly thriving and cancer free. May want to evaluate it yourself and do a long-term juice fast! Only then you will know through experience and become a living testimony, rather than spouting theory. Right? :)

Thank you for contributing! Your words are still valuable.

Best of luck for your juice fast .
Is this juice really tasty ?

the juice is awesome and divine, my friend :)