If we are hungry, then burgers or pizzas will be hand in hand. The stomach did not think the body was full.
However, this is a very wrong idea. In fact, these foods are pushing our body into worse. So, thousands of problems are binding on the body. In 2004, more than 100 foods in America were studied.
Basically, this study was done to know how much antioxidant is in the diet. Of these, red and green apples are in the 12th and 13th positions respectively. So let's see, some of Apple's qualities help keep us healthy.
1 .White teeth whitening
Taking apples is beneficial to the teeth. Because, because of the bite of apples when we start cough, our mouth is redness.
In this way, harmful bacteria from the tooth corner come out. As a result, the bacteria and the teeth can not do any damage. So say, do not go to the dentist just take care of the apple! Think of dental care using the paste brush.
- Removes the cancer:
According to the American Association for Cancer Research, eating apples reduces the chances of pancreatic cancer by about 23%. Because there is a large number of flavonols in the apple. Colonel researchers also found some of the ingredients in apples, known as tritrepenoids. This ingredient stops cancer cells in liver, breast, and colon. National Cancer Institute in the US researches show that the amount of fiber in apple helps prevent coronary cancer. - Reduce diabetes problems
Women who eat apples every day, their chances of getting diabetes decreased by 28%. Because of that, the fiber that is in the apple helps to keep blood sugar correct. - Reduce the cholesterol
The fiber that is in the apples helps reduce intestinal fat. As a result, cholesterol levels are correct. Once again, bad cholesterol levels decrease in the body and decrease the risk of heart damage.
5.Harts well
It has been said before, that the fiber in the apple helps to reduce cholesterol. Also, the phenolic element that contains apple cobs, helps in removing cholesterol from the blood vessels. As a result, the blood circulation in the heart is normal. As a result, the risk of heart failure decreases