Prevent Yourself from Heartburns

in health •  7 years ago 


Like mentioned earlier, acidity has got a lot to do with your lifestyle and a few lifestyle changes can help you get rid of acidity and also keep your overall body healthy. Here are a few lifestyle changes that can help you prevent acidity:

Eating smaller portion: Eating heavy meals is one of the biggest triggers of acidity, you might want to cut down your parts and spread the smaller portions over a period. You can divide your food into two portions and eat with a time gap.

Do not sleep immediately after eating:
Sleeping flat directly after eating can cause the acid to come back to your oesophagus. Even if you sleep soon after eating, you might want to sleep in a steeper position by say keeping your head and upper body a bit higher than your lower body. Or maybe take your afternoon naps on a comfortable chair rather than sleeping flat.
Best is not to eat 2-3 hours before you sleep.

Do not wear clothes that are tighter at your waist: Refrain from tight belts and dresses that are too tight for a more extended period. It cramps up your stomach and makes your stomach acid reflux back to the oesophagus.

Yoga and exercise: A good body routine with yoga and exercise helps keep your body less cramped and stiff. This is, in turn, improves your digestion process and keeps acidity at bay.

Lose weight: Weight gain is one of the biggest triggers of acidity. You might want to get on a healthy, fibre-rich, high protein diet to help keep acidity at bay.

Quit smoking: Smoking simply ruins your oeso[hagus let alone triggering acidity. If you smoke consistently, you might want to get rid of this habit to solve acid reflux.

Check your medications: Some medications for blood pressure and other health issues may cause acidity. You might want to ask your doctor about them and make a few changes if required.

If you are someone who is ignoring your acidity and disguising it as a regular lifestyle issue, you must visit a doctor and check for its severity and its effects on your body parts. Sometimes when medication does not solve acid reflux disease, you might also need a surgical process to get rid of the excessive acids. Do not delay your doctors visit for persistent acid reflux.

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