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Nice post. Very informative and useful for the readers. Good work and content.
Will continue to follow your post. Good job.


good luck with the tears --sounds like it will helps - i used to smoke everyday and it was a hand brake on my life - am glad to be over it - i am now following you in support

I hear that. I smoked daily for about ten years. For the first few, there were alot of positives. However, the longer I went on, the more I was just doing it out of habit and the positives started giving way to negatives. No major damage done, though it definitely didn't help persisting so often for so long. Curious to explore the potential medicinal benefits without the psychoactive side. I miss not being able to enjoy smoking like I used to, though curious how much of the upside may still be had with the CBD products...

your views are very well balanced and i appreciate that - i get so used to stoners telling me how it is a healthy product and does no harm - addiction is a problem whatever the substance and i think this whole medial marijuana thing is going too far in support of a drug that does a lot of harm to those with mental health issues

anything can be used helpfully or harmfully. ALOT of good can come from its legalization - though that doesn't mean it wouldn't be beneficial to educate on the boundaries between use and abuse. prohibition doesn't stop abuse any more than legalization does. though at least as society starts integrating, regulating, and educating about it, the potential to abuse goes down as the awareness generally goes up about the differences...

I agree that is why we say never over do anything just keep it balance.

Hi i would like to let you know that cannabis oil has helped my rheumatoid arthritis so much that since taking it i have not suffered 1 episode of my knuckles and fingers feel like thier exploding or being stabbed or feeling burnt. Its a horrible pain it so intense. So bad i cannot lift my coffee cup. That was the last 3 winters.
And thier was no side effects on me. I had 1 teaspoon dailey and it absolutely works ,unfortunately it is not legal here but i managed to get 1 jar. Its so bloody frustrating our governments haven't legalised it and the reasons are purely driven by the pharmaceutical companies.
I know it works because i gave my last amount to a friend with cancer. And her daughter told me its working on her,so i was happy to hear that. I now have none left. I gave it away 9 days ago and my pains are returning. Thats the truth.

Re Hi @rok-sivante another great article from you i di believe in the remedy of cannabis oil. A year ago in the Philippines i met some guy's who were doing some cannabis oil for treatment and even policeman with relative having cancer come to buy it even it is illegal and with a good $ of cure. So today is time for the world to go over the big pharma industry who fund the war on cannabis and really engage in curing cancer for real and not selling expensive chemo who kills 95% of the patient. Again Big thanks. Peace and respect

Times are changing. Many states in the US have medical and recreational use legalized. Canada supposed to be completely legal next year. Shouldn't be too long until more of the world catches up...

It's not hard to make at home! And a lot cheaper Let me know if you would like a recipe!

Hmmm... I saw quite a few while researching a bit for this...

What is the usual amount of buds needed to produce 1mL of oil?

Yes, it is super easy to make your own. Use moonshine.

Upvoted and also resteemed :)

You piqued my interest. I'll be following you on this one. Do you know if it will make you test positive for a drug test?

pretty sure it will. if you get some kind of extract that is strictly CBD and no THC, you might be safe. though most of the Phoenix Tear oils have both, therefore you'd want to give at least 2-4 weeks without before any tests...

If you're using CBD oil, the chances of not testing positive to pot use are pretty small. The tests that are in use now are pretty sophisticated.

Very good your information friend about medical marijuana. I like reading this type of post. Greetings, I'll wait for my post. For topics like this you will always have my vote. Greetings

I can't say my intentions were medicinal when I originated using weed, but indirectly I was healing from anxiety depression from a broken child hood. A lot less physical damage is being done to my body from stress but non the less as I wouldn't say I'm addicted it would be difficult to live with. Nice post live free fellow Steemian!

This is something I've been interested in for a while. I'll be looking for follow up posts on this. I was a stoner for most of the 1970s and 80s. I quit because it wasn't fun anymore, it just made me paranoid and put me to sleep. I've been told that those results are pretty common with pot that's been dry for a while. The different compounds tend to break down and lose potency over time, and that's what happens.
I can't smoke the medical grade stuff, it's to potent for this lightweight. 1 hit messes me up too much and causes a body reaction. I always liked a mild happy buzz, there's nothing mild about these new hybrids. On the plus side, some hybrids were developed with high CBD content, which makes the oil easier to make, and stronger.

Great post, I am a medical cannabis patient myself. Rick Simpson Oil (Phoenix Tears) is great stuff

If you don't mind me asking - what have you been using it for, how long & often, and what results have you been getting?

I got the best fresh cannabis seed oil in my fridge, produced in CROATIA. So good !
I don't smoke since 20 something years and feel so much better.
That oil is like gold though I heard ....

@rok-sivante Hey i wanna persnally thank you for your recent support with upvotes. If theres any way i can help/ promote anything your doing please let me know your continued support is appreciated!

Hey @rok-sivante! I hope the phoenixtears help you out! I have worked in the medical marijuana industry for a bit and have come across many products to specifically help with ailments... not just for getting as high as possible. I've dealt with various products of Phoenix Tears, Rick Simpson Oil, CBD (wax, lotion, pill, flower). I mainly dealt with patients that were interested in medicating with Cannabis but did not have any desire to become high because they were after the medicinal benefits. After going through many companies I found one of the best sources for CBD in pill and lotion form - Kind Caps. Many patients only had great things to say in regards to their CBD pills but of course it's subjective. Common ailments/issues were general pain, epilepsy, alzheimer's, various forms of cancer, and arthritis. We can only hope that more legitimized manufacturing of these types of medicine persists because a lot of the CBD/RSO/PT products on the market that I saw were either extremely over priced and/or not what they claimed to do. Regardless- I will tag along as this topic interests me and I genuinely hope you feel better soon! Thanks for the post!

  ·  7 years ago 

Most of people would think it is a kind of drug.

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks again for your information. Voted.

Good luck on this journey.

nice thread , thanks for vote me , if i get more stronger than today , i try maybe allways to vote you :)

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