in health •  8 years ago  (edited)

The first thought that comes to mind when you think "cold shower" might be hell no!

But research has been coming out very steadily and consistently that suggests the cold showers may have incredible health benefits such as:

Increase vitality, reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, improved cognitive function, reduced inflammation, circulatory health, weight loss /metabolic health, pain relief, hormonal health, improved immunity and MORE!

In this modern society in all its splendor, we as humans have a tendency get a bit too comfortable sometimes and allow our basic primitive side to blindly follow our dopamine system, toward pleasure and away from pain (eg. cold showers).

This pain/pleasure mechanism serves us very well 99.9% of the time and has been selected for very strongly by nature, but times they are a changin' and so is our living environment

Modern science seems to be revealing a simple truth more and more each year about optimal human health.

Nature knows best!

Wim Hof (the iceman) holds several world records for his ability to withstand unhospitable conditions (both extreme hot and cold). He is a pioneer of cold therapy and self proclaimed research guinea pig.

He works with university's to uncover the physiological mechanisms responsible for his abilities. This research is finding that his breathing methods and nervous system training techniques allow him to control the hormones and oxygen levels in his body on a minute to minute basis. This is hypothesized to be the mechanism responsible for his ability to withstand temperature abuse and his enhanced immunological protection abilities. He promotes cold showers at almost every chance he gets, as a means of attaining extreme health and vitality. Please follow up his work to learn more!

There are many situations in the modern world where this "behavior modulating dopamine pathway" can lead us astray from our path of optimal health (eg. sedative lifestyle, junk food, mental overstimulation + many more). It is important that we keep it in check by training and developing the discipline to override it when necessary with our executive decision making skills, WILL POWER! (another benefit of cold showers).

Hot showers, although are not bad for you per say, are not something that historically are found in nature. Much like how sugar make your brain think "WOW this isn't around much lets get more". The same may be true about hot showers as heat energy is something that is generally scarce in the harsh natural environment our genes were designed by and would have meant survival advantage in almost every instance back then (my personal opinion).

Your cells are amazing things and provide you with an amazing temple to experience life on this planet. They hold a great deal and wisdom and communicate that wisdom with your consciousness through feelings and intuitions, pain and pleasure. BUT sometimes they need you to make executive decisions and wade though the seductive stimuli of the modern world of which they are not yet accustomed to handle- for the sake of your own health and wellbeing.

Your body of cells sacrifices a lot of resources in order to build and maintain a brain in which your mind can exist, i believe it does this so that you can adapt and navigate a changing and dynamic environment and thrive!

Man-made "luxuries" are often reverse engineered around the positive stimuli they provide. But as we know they can also cause chronic disease and disharmony if they are devoid of intrinsic nourishment of our body and mind.

Next time you have a shower, make it a little cooler than usual, build up gradually, your nervous system will adapt and soon you will be able to go COLD TURKY from hot showers.

I have been doing it for months and i think its great, See how you feel after a few days!

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I absolutely love cold showers especially after a long run. Really helps the body cool down and feel refreshed.

The only problem is that i feel the muscles get tighter, so i save it for rest days and the day before rest days.

I recall my dad telling a story about the time he went deer hunting up in Canada in the winter, was living rough out in the woods, and after two weeks had grown so gamey he couldn't stand it. So he took a bath in an icy-cold creek. His only report beyond that was that it was probably the shortest bath he ever took. LOL

I do love a nice hot shower, but often turn down the hot water and let the water cool considerably toward the end, especially in summer. It is invigorating, for sure.

Thanks for posting.

I have been taking 3 cold showers a day as a matter of necessity during this recent heatwave. I would not have coped without them!

I've tried this but the benefits weren't noticeable enough to torture myself for :)