Performances enhancing drugs or PEDs are elements or agents that boost all forms of activity in an individual’s body. These are mainly popular among bodybuilders who consume them to bring about wanted changes in body structure and, ultimately, performance.
These drugs enhance performance by affecting an individual’s body in different ways such as muscle enlargement or increasing oxygen capacity of blood cells.
People use these performance drugs for numerous reasons such as:
- Enhancing body metabolism.
- To gain a competitive edge.
- To gain muscle mass and strength.
Let us now look at the various types of these enhancing drugs.
It is a trendy muscle enhancement drug that assists in the production of ATP or energy. Thus, creatine helps in improving the performance through high-intensity exercises.
Anabolic drugs:
They are synthetic forms of testosterone whose primary function is to synthesise the protein that builds muscle size and increase strength. Anabolic bulking products are normally consumed in dosages that surpass the natural production of the body. Steroid precursors are such substances that convert into anabolic steroids which increases the body’s muscle mass.
Stimulants: These help in improving the heart rate and overall blood flow pressure. They aid in the reduction of fatigue, tiredness and improve concentration, competitiveness and alertness among individuals.
Specific examples are caffeine, ephedrine, etc. which increase energy and mental capacity. These stimulants have a positive effect on the ATP, oxygen energy systems and lactic acid.
Nootropics: They are pre-workout supplements which act as a promoting agent to increase the power output of the body. Nootropics increase performance by improving alertness and motivation and increasing stamina. Thus, making it one of the sought-after performance enhancing drugs.
Human growth hormone: It is produced in the pituitary which increases the linear growth of a person. Also, it is used by various individuals to increase their height.
Erythropoietin: Consumption of the PED helps in increase of production of red blood cells and rise in levels of oxygen delivered to the muscles.
These are only a few of the various PEDs available today which comes with multiple benefits; let’s look at some of the few:
Increase in muscle strength and size of the body:
Recent studies have shown that bodybuilders who use PEDs tend to have bigger and stronger muscles. These drugs help in strength training by increasing the size and creation of new muscles. They induce morphological changes in skeletal muscles, resulting in enhancement of physical performance.
Increase in healing rate:
Anabolics bulking products and other PEDs improves the healing process via anabolic and anti-catabolic actions. These drugs offer an increase in protein synthesis which speeds up the rate of healing.
Benefits of health:These drugs are primarily designed to improve health and impart positive effects. They help in the reduction of inflammation caused due to allergies and sickness. PEDs also have a lot of beneficial effects on life quality and improve physical functioning.
The desire to compete and be better than the rest is in-built among all individuals. Thus, bodybuilders in the U.K. and rest of the world use these enhancing substances to transform their bodies and gain a competitive edge.