Drinking Sodium bicarbonate

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

I recommend this article ... every day I am more convinced that the natural is what our body is crying out for! read this report! ..
Drinking baking soda can improve the overall health of the body while maintaining adequate PH levels.
It can treat specific health problems, such as stomach diseases, kidney stones, gout, urinary tract infections, cold and flu. Even athletic performance is increased.
Drinking sodium bicarbonate dissolved in water, has been used to relieve signs and symptoms of arthritis, indigestion, heartburn, and infections, among other diseases. Sodium bicarbonate, which is consumed in moderate portions and at the right time, helps achieve healthy body biochemistry.

Benefits of drinking sodium bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate is not just for cooking; Drinking sodium water periodically throughout the day can improve your health. Sodium bicarbonate water works as an antacid and antiseptic, which helps relieve stomach and digestive problems. In addition, it can increase the body's alkalinity and potentially combat some diseases.

Drinking baking soda is antacid

Sodium bicarbonate is more commonly known as an antacid, which means it neutralizes acid, particularly in the stomach. Acid reflux disease, often called heartburn, has numerous causes. Stomach acid spills out of the stomach into the esophagus and can sometimes get as far as the back of the throat.

Drinking water with bicarbonate of sodium mixed, helps neutralize the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which eliminates the problem of heartburn. At the same time, the effervescence that occurs when sodium bicarbonate combines with water, encourages belching, which helps relieve swelling and gas.


The mild antiseptic properties of bicarbonate kill certain types of parasites, fungi and mold. Because of this, the application of baking soda on the toothbrush disinfects the brush and cleans the teeth. Gargling with baking soda water can also help minimize symptoms of sore throat or persistent cough.

Drinking baking soda provides alkalinity

Another benefit of sodium bicarbonate is its ability to promote a greater balance of alkaline pH in the body. Alkalinity is the inverse of acidity. Acidity is necessary for effective digestion of food, but a general alkaline PH in your body is considered healthier, as many diseases develop in an acidic environment.
Diseases of a degenerative nature, such as osteoporosis, arthritis and cancer, have been associated with a chronically elevated level of acidity in the body.
The low cost of sodium bicarbonate in combination with its potential health benefits make the diet of drinking sodium bicarbonate water, a change in diet worth the merit.
In addition to the benefits mentioned above, baking soda is incredibly versatile to help prevent kidney stones, gout, and urinary tract infections. Sodium bicarbonate has also been linked to better performance in serious athletes.

Drink sodium bicarbonate for kidney stones

The kidneys are vulnerable to acid urine. When the ionic balance is disturbed, serious kidney affections can ultimately result. Acidic urine can lead to the formation of kidney stones. When this happens, water treatment with sodium bicarbonate can restore a healthy ionic balance and discourage the formation of kidney stones.

Water of baking soda for the drop

This is a type of joint inflammation that occurs when uric acid builds up in urine, blood and tissues. Because sodium bicarbonate water can balance the body's pH level, some health experts recommend sodium bicarbonate to combat the formation of uric acid.
Cure urinary tract infections with sodium bicarbonate water
Baking soda can also help people with urinary tract infections. Drinking baking soda mixed with water can help the body overcome infection by reducing the acid in the urine. To experience even greater relief, drink lots of water and cranberry juice too.

Drinking baking soda improves sports performance

Strenuous exercise leads to the accumulation of lactic acid with associated muscle pain and fatigue. The longer an athlete can delay the accumulation of lactic acid, the better their performance, especially in sports that require strength and speed. Sodium bicarbonate water consumption accomplishes this for elite athletes.

For the pH of the body

To know the pH of your body, buy at your local pharmacy strips that record the pH and measure urine and saliva.

Early in the morning, the ideal pH measure of saliva, would be between 7.0 and 7.4 before drinking anything. Wait until your urine is slightly more acidic in the morning, since your body has been cleaning the acids from your body all night. A pH reading of urine in the morning should be between 6.0 and 7.0, and should increase slightly during the day. Take these readings for a few days, and follow up on your results. If your pH levels are systematically lower than this, you can use a regime with water of sodium bicarbonate to take you to healthy levels.

If your average is low or in the acid interval, drink a glass of water with a half teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in it twice a day. You need to have the acids in your stomach to digest the food, so take baking soda only between meals. Continue to control your pH. If it is still low, drink this mixture up to four times a day as needed to improve your pH. Once your pH has normalized, eat more vegetables and less acidic foods and you should be able to maintain the benefits.

For a cold or flu

Baking soda has been shown to reduce the duration of the flu and often the elimination of symptoms in 36 hours. Experts recommend the following dosing scheme.

Day 1 - Take a dose of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water - six doses in total every two hours between each one.
Day 2 - Take a dose of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water - four doses in total every two hours between each.
Day 3 - Take two doses of baking soda in a glass of water one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and then only once each morning until the symptoms of the cold are gone.
The doses equal 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water.

For athletes

Science is demonstrating what athletes have known for years: that sodium bicarbonate can increase athletic performance. Baking soda seems to work better to improve endurance and speed.

Baking soda seems to reduce the acidity produced in the muscles during sports such as running or swimming.

Baking soda helps the body process the lactic acid that is responsible for the burning sensation produced in the muscles during hard exercise. Only elite athletes are prone to notice the benefits, however, since I drink shaves baking soda only seconds, not minutes, compared to running speeds.

For the alkalinity of the body

All foods are acidic or alkaline. The most highly acidic foods are soft drinks, processed foods, meat, sugar and white flour. Chronic body acidity has been associated with degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis and cancer.

Find out what foods are alkaline and which are acidic, and try to make at least 60% of your diet alkaline foods. Find some favorite alkaline foods and make them a constant part of your diet.

Use the test strips to determine the pH levels of your body. If you are on the acid side, try the regimen described above to restore a healthy balance. But you should consider that it is much better to combine this diet with healthy diet. It is not consistent to want to correct the problems of acidic pH in the body, only by drinking sodium bicarbonate, since this regime is more a support regime. For better understanding, read the following tips:

Tips very important for drinking water from baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate is high in sodium. It is not safe in high doses and should not be used for long periods of time.
Individuals who have edema or high blood pressure should not use sodium bicarbonate or should do so under the supervision of a specialist.
Baking soda should be considered dangerous for nursing mothers and pregnant women unless advised by their doctors.
The possible side effects of drinking sodium bicarbonate in water include stomach cramps and increased thirst.
Contact your doctor if you experience swelling of the feet, weakness, slow breathing, or nausea.
Never take baking powder; It is a completely different substance than sodium bicarbonate. The ingredients in baking powder can damage your body.
Avoid drinking anything with baking soda if you are on a sodium-restricted diet or if you have high blood pressure, unless your doctor tells you to.
If you are on prescribed medications, obtain a medical authorization before taking.
If you are on prescribed medications, obtain a medical authorization before taking baking soda.
Do not give sodium bicarbonate with water to children under five years of age.
If you have a full stomach, do not drink water of baking soda until you have had the opportunity to digest.
Athletes should be aware of their coaches and doctors if baking soda is considered a performance enhancer prohibited in their sport.
To avoid impurities such as aluminum that some brands of bicarbonate can contain, you can buy pure sodium bicarbonate, which is widely available online.
Be careful with your use and consult your doctor if you are on a diet with sodium restriction or have high blood pressure, because it is moderately high in sodium.

I will upload these days more articles about the benefits of Baking. If you know some tips I invite you to comment on how you use it.

Source: Maximaonline

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This is awesome information! I hope more people read and up vote. Thank you for sharing!

Thank you sweetie ..!!