The five types of food everyday that can be cancerous.

in health •  7 years ago 

There are many types of cancer. Most cancers are not found in the early stages if it is found in the intermediate or the last stages, then it is no better.

It has been found that people use some chemical products without knowing themselves daily and eat some foods that cause cancer in many people.

Actually there are some natural and artificial products that can cause cancer cells in the body. Though these things seem innocent, they can become the main cause of cancer.

  1. Alcoholic Beverages
    Many people have a habit of drinking various types of alcoholic beverages regularly. Now it has been proven through long-term research that if drinking more alcohol regularly, cancer occurs in different parts of the digestive process. One reason why women become breast cancer is drinking.

  2. Canned food products
    The canned food has proved to be extremely harmful to the human body.

In fact, these metals are made on the inner wall of the cans, in Bisfhenol or a chemical called BPA. This chemical is very dangerous for human health. And mixed with food stored in the cane can cause cancer. Especially when the chemical mixed with acetic foods such as tomatoes, the cancer is mixed when the cancer is cancerous.

  1. Grilled meat or fish
    Many people want to eat grilled meat and fish for the extraordinary spicy taste of these foods. But whenever the meat or fish is cooked directly on high heat, there are some harmful chemicals that cause people to suffer from cancer. These unhealthy hydrocarbons and amnesia are the cause of prostate cancer and bowel and sebaceous cancer.

  2. Soda drinks
    Many popular soft drinks are abundant soda. Because soda is useful for dietary digestion. But if you drink soda regularly, cerebral stroke and even digestive tract can be cancerous.

  3. Pototo Chips
    The popular junkfood of many children and older people is chips. Almost everyone knows that high fat fat content in chips. Thereby leads to weight gain. And blood levels increase the cholesterol levels. But the study has proved that potato chips have some artificial food preserving ingredients that are harmful to the human body. And can cause cancer in the digestive tract. When potato chips are fry on high, a dangerous chemical is called acrylamide. Which of course is cancerous.

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I agree that if you wanna live live long you gotta stay off that cancer food..