in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

Back slides are common to everyone around the world. In fact, in the UK, back pain is the reason most people go to doctors and absent work.

Yes, back pain becomes one of the disturbances that make productivity impaired. Not moving freely until it must withstand the tremendous pain, making people suffer enough if this experience.

However, you need not worry, because many ways to work around it. One of them is with yoga.

Recent research has found that exercising using traditional Indian methods can have many positive effects on the back. Reported by Independent, yoga activities such as stretching, breathing exercises, and relax methods can reduce pain in the back and other conditions.

In the research the researchers divided the two participating groups of workers, ie groups for yoga and education classes. The yoga group gets exercise once a week for 60 minutes. In total, they do so for eight weeks.

This yoga program is based on Dru Yoga, which consists of subtle movements, like water running in water. Each session participants warmed up, followed by eight stretching movements to ease tension on the shoulders and hips.

Not just regular practice, this group also get yoga DVDs so they can do it at home. They are required to do yoga 10 minutes every day for six months.

Instead, the educational group only gets a booklet to find out how to keep back pain and reduce stress on the job.

After eight weeks, there were results showing that participants who took the yoga class, had less back pain than those who came to the education class only. And not only reduce back pain, they claim that regular yoga practice also reduces stress levels.

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