What is ADHD?

in health •  7 years ago 

ADHD is today considered the most common mental disorder in children, and is also present in adults. Diagnosed according to the Diagnostic-Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV). It is represented at 3-8%, and according to some newer indicators and up to 10% of school children, 4-5 times more often occurs in boys. The main symptoms that refer to ADHD are the child's inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. All children do not show the same behavior and may differ slightly from the significantly stronger symptoms of ADHD. Behavior (symptoms) do not occur the same way in all situations.

To date, the exact cause of ADHD is unknown. Many parents often wonder where they have been wrong in upbringing, but they are not the cause of such a child's behavior. It is believed that the cause of ADHD has a biological basis, that is, it is a neurological brain dysfunction, although the physiological mechanism of the occurrence of this dysfunction is not quite clear. This biological dysfunction can be inherited or acquired.

The latest genetic studies show that there is an impact of inheritance, although it often happens as with other hereditary disorders that the child has symptoms, and the parents do not. According to the same research, 30-40% of cousins ​​of children with ADHD have the same problem. The problem can also be acquired due to various conditions / influences affecting the brain of the child (during pregnancy under the influence of drugs, drugs, infections, poisoning, severe birth, and after delivery due to head injury, febrile convulsions, lead poisoning, etc.).

What are the symptoms and "image" of ADHD?

Each ADHD picture is not the same and children with this difficulty differ in their behavior. Children with ADHD may have: combined difficulties and lack of attention, with excessive activity and impulsiveness, but difficulties can occur in just one area. Therefore, three possible ADHD images are usually different:

  • ADHD with combined characteristics of hyperactivity, impulsiveness and lack of attention;
  • ADHD with a lack of attention as a primary characteristic;
  • ADHD with impulsiveness and hyperactivity as primary characteristics.

The first and third species are most commonly and easily recognized because these children have very visible symptoms that they show. Such children are very loud, constantly on the move, they often engage in dangerous activities and often cruelly and indecently respond to adults. The second group, which often includes female children, includes so-called "Silent Dreams". Such children lose things, they can not work independently, do not finish their tasks, and often get lost in their own thoughts. Children with dominant attention deficit are unconcentrated, careless, distant, as if they are in their own world. They can be relatively peaceful, uninterested and unmotivated. How often they do not hinder anyone, problems can sometimes be overlooked, not recognized.

The basic symptoms are as follows:

  • lack of attention - this is the most common symptom. With difficulty in focusing attention, people with this symptom often have problems with maintaining attention, remembering and organizing jobs. Such persons are often negligent and difficult to start tasks that are boring, monotonous or demanding, they leave their minds.
  • impulsivity - People who experience this symptom often work before they have thought about their actions and consequences, and have problems with correct assessments or problem solving. They can also have problems with developing or maintaining interpersonal relationships. In adults, this symptom can lead to the inability to keep a job longer or unable to use smart money.
  • Hyperactivity - A hyperactive child can be trampled, climbed or run around when it is not appropriate. These children often have problems playing with other children. They often talk very much and can not sit still even for a short time. Teens and adults with hyperactivity symptoms generally do not have such visible physical behavior as can be seen in children. First of all, they feel restless and nervous and are not able to enjoy reading or other quiet and quiet activities.

A child with milder symptoms is more easily stabilized with the attention of parents and engagement of teachers, and under the influence of own maturation of a child with more pronounced symptoms. ADHD often disappears after puberty, but in some people it stays for a lifetime. They can be said to be "real" hyperactive people.

How does the environment experience a child with ADHD?

Children with ADHD are often recognized or regarded as adults "bad", "disobedient," "uneducated," or "lazy and uninterested", and in fact the right approach can determine that these children are very curious, imaginative, full of energy and that their energy can be well-directed and channeled. They often ask unusual and very interesting questions. Boys are more active and impulsive, and girls are more often absent due to lack of attention, although there are no rules. Children with ADHD are often perceived as disobedient and unconscious because they generally have average or above average intellectual abilities, which often confuse adults in their environment, as well as parents and teachers. Therefore, adults see and estimate that these children are smart and able, but the results they achieve, especially at school, are far below their capabilities because they work hard in organized and structured situations. Often due to their lack of recognition of their difficulties, which can be in a wide range of absenteeism due to loss of attention and to marked discomfort and impulsiveness, these children encounter criticism and discomfort in the environment, which is why they lose self-confidence and feel bad, unhappy, incompetent.

Often parents of these children also experience many criticisms and start to feel guilty about child upbringing, especially in schools, and they actually need help and support.

Children with ADHD can also notice additional difficulties in finding a way to live, in a school environment, and in learning difficulties. Behavioral difficulties (destructiveness, aggression, escape from home ...), and anxiety (depression) and depression that can largely be the result of constant misunderstanding and criticism of the adults that the child encounters during adolescence can be noticed. Such misunderstanding can cause a child's outrage with the system and the expectations of the environment, and result in a grief that goes from internal suffering to an external aggression. Because of this, they may have low self-esteem and a feeling of lesser value from which risky behaviors may occur during puberty and growing up at all. Therefore, parents who seriously suspect the hyperactivity of the child, and who with this behavior of the child are difficult to bear, need to seek professional help and support.

When and where do children with ADHD work the hardest?

Children with ADHD are most likely to function in well-organized and structured situations that have clear demands on the child. Therefore, they are most difficult to fit into the school system.

Organized systems do not always make the difference between hyperactive and other children in each situation, and they need at least partially an individualized approach. Because hyperactive children are almost generally more restless, they tend to concentrate on teaching material, tend to turn away from the topic (impeding teaching) and falling into the word (impulsively reacting), or are absent at school, so they are often labeled as problematic.

The fact is that a hyperactive child often impedes objectivity in group work if there is no individualized approach in teaching adjusted to the difficulties and needs of the child. Therefore, in the school system, it is necessary for teachers to facilitate work by organizing specific education that helps them work with hyperactive children.

The hyperactive child is often abandoned by remarks and criticisms; parents are constantly alerted to the child's behavioral disorders due to which the child is often frustrated, parents are angry with the child and the school, and the teachers are dissatisfied and exhausted because they have a whole class collective, not just a hyperactive child. The motive for learning and working with a hyperactive child at school and at home should not be punishment but a reward. He needs to show support (love),empathy (feelings) and a sincere desire for it to be uadhd_kod_djece_6thereal in life and to rise as much as possible on the social scale. It is meaningless to waste time changing a child's personality and make him adjust to most children when this is actually impossible. Ultimately, children with ADHD with sufficient incentives and proper support of adults through their growing up can become very successful, entrepreneurial, creative and energetic people.

Famous people with ADHD!

In history and in the present, many celebrities have or have ADHD, and they have found new formulas, solutions, ways and ways for inventions and innovations. They were often the first or the best in something because they had what they needed, and that was freedom and the ability to work in their own way and in accordance with their own interests. They managed to preserve their ideas, their self-esteem and realize their dreams. A large number of famous scientists, artists and actors had ADHD. It is almost unthinkable that they were also marked by growth and development as bad and that they were not very successful at school. Some of them are Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, Alfred Hitchcock, Steven Spielberg, Tom Cruise, Jim Carrey, Henry Rollins and Will Smith .

Most people, especially children who have ADHD, are not aware of why they function differently from the majority. They strive, whenever they can, to put on the "masks" of the listeners, to play the interest, or to calm down for a short time, but they are not they, and often they are not successful because they are easy to disassemble.

Marko Ferek, author of the book Hyperactive Dreamers, written from his own experience of a hyperactive child, wrote: "If you think you're not good enough, it's just because you have not looked deep enough at yourself. And do not forget what is very important - the wealth of the world lies in its diversity. "

Tom Cruise thus explained his feelings: "I was wondering if I was a normal person or an idiot, I would try to concentrate (on things I do not care), but I did not succeed. I felt discomfort, frustration and boredom. "

Parents of children with ADHD!

Being a parent with a challenging child with ADHD is not easy, especially if it was done with combined disorders in all three areas: attention deficit, hyperactivity, impulsiveness. Parents often go through a sense of anger, they often blame the child, and they themselves can be disappointed, scared, confused, sad and worried. Sometimes, the understanding of what happens to the child, have little help and support, and are subject to criticism. Thus, the cycle of negative effects on the parents and the child closes and often the parent does not know how to get out of it. Of course, every parent's desire is for his child to be happy and well integrated into the environment, to be successful and happy, and not to be marked. Parents seek answers and help that the problem of hyperactivity can be completely solved. But there is not one safe, simple and unambiguous recipe! Each child is special, each picture of ADHD is different. Children react differently even in similar or exactly the same situations. But there are tips that can help parents with problems. If a parent suspected of ADHD is important to consult with experts, a child's doctor, a nurse / school psychologist or a psychologist at the counseling center.

Since the child is infinitely important to parents, it is the best way to bring as little anger and blame as possible to the child, and to direct all parental enthusiasm, energy, love, time, and faith to it in order to be successful. For every child, it is extremely important that he feels that parents in him endlessly believe and give him support for success. In this way parents can help the child to grow happier and more successful. The support of parents and other adults in the environment, children with ADHD will help to develop many of their potentials although their behavior is specific.

Experts have been dealing with ADHD for over a hundred years and have suggested and checked different approaches. Some have proved useful, some do not.

The first step for parents is definitely determined by the knowledge about ADHD, in order to understand from parents the role of the child, why the child has a problem, so that they know that it is not responsible for this problem, in order to know that hyperactivity or absence attention is not intentional and to empathize, encourage, train, protect and represent their child in situations where they can not do it. Because the child with ADHD under the pressure of teachers and parents - is trying to change his personality, but it is very difficult for them, almost impossible, and as a rule results in a lack of self-confidence, a feeling of less value, frustration and risky behavior. These children have the experience that whatever they do is not good enough because they are always different. So instead of decreasing the problem, it's getting bigger! Teachers object to parents, parents to a child, and the child grieves within and does not know what to do with himself and the environment. It creates an image that nobody understands.

A child needs the help and unconditional love of his parents always, and especially when his development path passes with certain difficulties!

Lately, more and more attention is being paid to techniques for working with these children based on cognitive (mental) games and attention retention games, so it is good that parents and teachers educate themselves in that direction and thus work with the child .

How is ADHD determined?

When you are suspicious of ADHD laymen, and even professionals, for example, Teachers can easily fall into the trap and pronounce something child a hyperactive child. In the right sense, ADHD should only be diagnosed by a team of experts. Although ADHD is classified in the DSM IV diagnostic manual as a mental disorder, every child with ADHD does not manifest the same symptoms, and the intensity and severity of the symptoms do not always require diagnosis and serious treatment and therapy. But, of course, what is most important, both for a child and for parents, if they are suspected of ADHD, is to get the expert's instructions on proper handling of the child, about channeling his energy and impulsiveness, ways of keeping the child's attention, and the need for a child He directs a lot of love, support and compassion that helps him build self-confidence and success through life.

It is important that the diagnosis of ADHD is carried out in a team, that it involves a whole team of experts, including a pediatrician, educators and rehabilitation specialists (defectologist, rehabilitator, logopedist, psychologist, teacher, child psychiatrist, neuropediator). It is good that the parent starts first of the child's pediatrician and first advises on his own dilemma and the difficulties of the child.

Also, it is good that the parent asks for a conversation with a psychiatrist of a kindergarten / school or counseling center and is consulted on the need for further treatment of the child.

As a rule, ADHD is not diagnosed with people / children with a mild form of hyperactivity, impulsivity and / or attention deficit, but whose behavior at the same time is not a problem in everyday life, that is, they can function with them within the requirements that are placed before them. They are developing their development path with slightly greater personal dynamism, creativity, vibrancy and / or slight absence. These persons / children have the most problems within the educational system, but not in family life or in the workplace.

ADHD is difficult to determine before the age of four to five, as the characteristic behavior of young children differs from one another, and it is natural that younger children are more active in motoring. Hyperactivity and impulsiveness occur at the age of three to four years, while problems related to carelessness appear later, from five to seven years, and are most often noticed in the right way after entering the formal system of education

Proper access to a child with ADHD?

Studies show that ADHD causes family stress, especially if the symptoms of the child are severe and if there are additional difficulties (Barkley, 2000).

The parent-child relationship is often difficult because the various symptoms of the child's behavior indicate that the child's hyperactive and / or impulsive behavior is deliberately suggested by parents. In these families, there is a greater risk of partner parenting problems, a quarrel about the child's child care dilemma, and a more frequent occurrence of depression among family members, as the child's difficulties require a different approach, much more time, energy, attention, organizing a child's life than This is necessary for children with no difficulty.

Additionally, parents are required to wear long-haul problems because of their chronic nature, which is why parents often need counseling assistance and support. Single parents are in a particularly stressful situation because at that time one parent is alone with the child's demanding behavior. On the other hand, parents, because of their inability to control child behavior and exposure to pressure and criticism of the environment, often react negatively to the child's behavior with sentences and negative emotions, which only increases the child's problem.

Therefore, it is necessary to create an incentive environment that gives the child and family peace and security and helps overcome the difficulties:

Realistic expectations.
From a child in the role of a parent, we must have realistic expectations. Although the child has an above-average intelligence, the difficulty of concentration and hyperactivity will make it difficult to achieve adequate school success. We must know that a child is not lazy if he can not sit on the book for a long time and it is not wrong if he deconcentrated and got a worse rating on the test! Excessive expectations are angry and exhausted by parents, and they affect the child negatively because they create tension and crash their confidence. We can not expect a child, for example, calmly and concentrated for an hour to sit down and solve the task as a child without ADHD could have, but you should praise it for 15 minutes of concentrated work, so after the break, repeat the action!

Organized home.
It is important that the life of a family and a child is not chaotic, that you do not run from activity to activity in a spasm, without order. The child needs to organize time and ensure a stable order, time for learning, having fun, training and respecting them as much as you can! If something is necessary to change the child, this should be explained in advance. It is good to allow minor deviations from the plan that we show our adaptability to the child's needs, but not too far away. Give the child enough time for his life to be chaotic. If she is getting ready for school for a long time, she may get up early. External organization helps the child manage their behavior more easily.

Help the child with school obligations.
A child must have a place to work and learn that is calm and acceptable to him. It is necessary to provide him with necessary breaks that can be creative and entertaining. Help in learning and writing a task because he needs your help to get better organized. If you do not have the patience, occasionally push someone else and help the child. Occasionally move away to make the child work only. Praise him and encourage him.

Prepare with the child everything for the school in the evening.
Let the child sleep enough to be restful and have breakfast before school. Prepare yourself in the evening so that the child can not forget something and be exposed to anger.

Agree to important rules that the family adheres to.
For example. By 20.00 hours a week a child must be at home, if he will not be able to leave tomorrow, if he gets ice cream. The consequences must exist but in a way that they do not humiliate anyone, to be clear and justified. The rules encourage the child's self-control and helps to understand the rules in general in other situations where the rules exist.

Be positive.
Clearly tell the child what you expect from him and notice any positive behavior, and reward the child for the same thing - for a complex bag, toothpaste, dressing up before school ... The prize can be fondling, kissing, playing on a computer, and the like. Children with ADHD need a lot of praise and reward for positive behaviors, because they are often exposed to criticism. A child needs to be rewarded for effort, not just for success.

Be sure that the child has heard and understood you.
You must know that the child heard and understood you when you asked for something from him. Say clearly and briefly what you want, watch the child in the eye, if necessary, ask him to repeat, praise for a well-done task.

Be consistent.
Do not repeat the child a lot of times. If the child is not listening, repeat it with only one normal voice and then apply the agreed result. Always promise only what you will do. The consequence should not be corporal punishment, something that a child offends, but possibly abolishing some activity (eg going to a park, to a computer). Abolishing the activity does not have to last very long, as it causes a decline in motivation. It is necessary for the child to give a new opportunity to choose the correct behavior and then symbolically reward him. It is not good to ask a child what he is unable to do, and then punish him for that.

Try to react calmly.
Do not respond quickly to criticism or criticism. Think and wait for some time before you say or make a child ugly and then you are sorry.

Support friendship.
A child with ADHD hardly learns social skills. It is good to call home one to two children at the beginning. Beware of children's communication, do not allow a fight, quarrel, ugly words, take them to a cinema / theater. Reward them for nice behavior with juice, sweets, etc. Try to always reward your child for a nice attitude towards others and so remind him what he actually does when he behaves nicely.

Encourage the child to talk about what he is doing and what he wants to do to encourage inner speech.
In children with ADHD, internal speech is not sufficiently developed. All people in the direction of their behavior use inner speech. It's good to show your child how you talk to yourself when you are angry at someone, and you do not want to go rough, especially if you do not want to hit him, tell him to say "Okay, it's okay. Take it easy. Not so important. I'll turn to another friend. "

Find time for something you love while someone else will preserve your child (walking, coffee with friends, riding a bike ...). Your child is demanding and you need respite and relaxation. Your child needs your care, patience, love and support. If you are exhausted and feel a loss of strength, look for help for yourself and your family with experts, psychologists, to compensate for the energy you need to work with your child.

Believe in your child.
Honestly and deeply believe that your child can be successful and that your efforts and faith will help him along that path! Children see their reflection, their image in the eyes of their parents! When they feel that we honestly believe in them, they themselves begin to believe in themselves!

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Pls i just volted you, volt me pls lets follow ourself pls

Can u elaborate more on the ADHD History? Who came up with this idea first?