Who would drink their own urine?

in health •  6 years ago  (edited)


Turns out I would and it is not half as bad as I imagined!

For the last week I have been researching the subject of urine therapy and have become completely fascinated with it. As is my way I have dived in (excuse the pun) with both feet.... and after three days drinking my 'personal feed-back loop medicine' (between 5am and 10am) I feel no ill effects and remain certain what I am doing is the way forward.

I am curious to know if any of you out there have tried this?

For now I am collecting as much data as I can so that I may present it to you in the form of an article. Then you can make your own mind up.

This is Dave Murphy who recently fasted for 30 days on just his own urine.


So... for those of you who still believe the fairytale that we will die in a few days if we don't have water, this man provides your liberation.

I wonder how many people have died over the ages because they didn't know this?

That's right folks. Your body is far more amazing than they would have you believe. That is why they are afraid of us and resort to keeping us drugged & brainwashed, in the hope we never learn the truth about ourselves.

You can see Dave in an interview here.

For now it's back to the article... and bottom's up!

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Drinking your own urine is probably much safer that what they are doing to are food. https://steemit.com/food/@camille1234/if-you-eat-food-you-don-t-want-to-miss-this

I just listened to your presentation and I must say I am seriously impressed. That is some great work there, despite the horrifying subject.

Thank you for this because I was not aware how fast the synthetic meat industry was progressing.

I cannot take credit it was shared to me and I thought the information is so important it was shared to me

Well, you did a great job presenting it. I felt quite moved by it and have shared with some meat eating friends, so that they may at least be aware of what is happening.

Several years ago I tried it on a limited basis. I couldn't bring myself to drink it outright so I would mix it with juice which I had read you could do. I think I may have used orange or grape juice which disguised the taste. I did not drink enough or for long enough to register changes but had studied about it and read there are many amazing benefits depending on how long and how much you drink. It has been on my mind to do and I recently bought a new copper cup and small bowl which my research said this was the best container to use when collecting the urine. I would love to hear the details of your journey and any suggestions for those starting out as far as how much. Also, I used to put it on my skin in the morning and wash it off in the shower. I do recall seeing some benefits and any information on that would also be appreciated. Thank you very much!

I hadn't heard about the copper cup. Certainly, washing in the first one of the day seems like the way to go. After 5 days the benefit of super soft skin is evident. In time they say my wrinkles will go! let's see...

Will do my best to document as much as I can.

Thanks for dropping by & welcome to Steemit!

In 1978, the Prime Minister of India,Morarji Desai, a longtime practitioner of urine therapy, spoke to Dan Rather on 60 Minutes about urine therapy.Desai stated that urine therapy was the perfect medical solution for the millions of Indians who cannot afford medical treatment.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, in India this practice isn't so strange to people and many people people still use it.

Rather than being just for those who cannot afford it I feel like this is for everyone! This is the way we were designed.

I think this will help you out.
Armstrong's book sold widely, and in Indiainspired the writing of Manav mootra (Gujarati: Urine therapy; 1959) by Gandhian social reformer Raojibhai Manibhai Patel, and many later works. These works often reference Shivambu Kalpa, a treatise on the pharmaceutical value of urine, as a source of the practice in the East.[c] They also cite passing references to properties and uses of urine in Yogic-texts such as Vayavaharasutraby Bhadrabahu and Hatha Yoga Pradapika by Svatmarama; and Ayurvedic texts such as Sushruta Samhita, Bhava Prakasha and Harit. However, according to medical anthropologist Joseph Atler, the practices of sivambu(drinking one's own urine) and amarolirecommended by modern Indian practitioners of urine therapy are closer to the ones propounded by Armstrong than traditional ayurveda or yoga, or even the practices described in Shivambu Kalpa.[6]
Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for this. Am aware of Armstrong's book.

Question: does the urine become progressively more and more yellow/brown (and smelly)?

I can abide drinking foul tasting things, but anything with a strong smell is really hard for me to get down.

If you are 'looping' which is the continuous drinking of it, cycling the water through you numerous times, the colour and smell become less intense. If the smell is too much just hold your nose.

Personally, now that I have made the mental shift between "this is disgusting waste" to "this is my personal medicine" I am fine with it.

It's 5am here and I've just finished a 15min session gargling and washing in my first pee of the day. And then drank what i didn't use on my body. Honestly, the smell already seems much better after 4 days of looping in the mornings.

And my skin is so soft now. I've never felt it like this in my life. They say it fixes wrinkles... so will let you know if I suddenly look younger ;)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yeah, I tried auto urine therapy about 15 years ago.

Can't say I noticed much difference but I enjoyed the looks on people's faces when I told them!

And it was nice to stop after a month

Excellent to hear I am not alone. 15 years ago there must have been a lot more resistance to this kind of thing than there is now. Shame there were no great results to sing from the rooftops.

Here in France (living near my partner's family) there is no way I could tell anyone. Men kiss twice to greet each other and I don't think they would appreciate to know what I've been washing my face in!

LOL - never kiss a piss drinker!

I was working in a gym and three of the trainers copied me!

Nice to know such amazing facts about urine therapy... Thanks for sharing..

Wait till the main article. This is just a teaser with a few facts. There are soooooo many more facts coming soon ;)

Thanks for your reply... Will be waited..