True Hunger vs. False Hunger

in health •  8 years ago 

Human bodies are some of the most incredible and complex organisms on the planet with infinite knowledge in how to perform at optimal levels.


Today, a lot of people put food into their bodies that are not meant for human consumption. Animal products in excess, low amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as diets that are high in sugar, fats and other processed foods.

One of the most common things I hear going about my daily life here in the United States is "i'm hungry". I used to think statement this meant the body was sending a signal to the brain telling you it needs fuel to continue functioning. If i didn't eat I got a headache, low blood sugar, my mood fluctuated, I had stomach irritation and overall felt like crap. When I obeyed what my body said and got food, the uncomfortable sensations went away.

In the United States there is an abundance of food and wealth. I see people driving with food in their hand, walking down the street drinking soda, and restaurants, which can be quite lucrative, pop up all over cities and towns. There are magazines, websites and whole stores dedicated to cooking and food. We are utterly obsessed. It's understandable, really, because humans do need food to live. But there is something very wrong with the way we fuel ourselves in the world today. This can be seen in our high rates of disease and by looking at the general public. People are fat, sick, and require medical attention regularly just to stay alive.

What I hope to do here is raise awareness that most of the hunger that is experienced today, is not indicative of a real need for food. When we continually fill the body with "food" that is irritating to it, we experience a type of withdrawal that is marked by those traditional feelings of hunger that many of us experience.

Now I know this may be a difficult concept to swallow, because food and hunger are such personal things to people. If this idea of there being a difference between an irritation of the stomach lining, and a real need for food is interesting to you. Explore with your body. Look at what you are putting into it. Are you putting nutrient dense foods into your system or are you filling it with junk food? The body becomes addicted to processed foods which is why we experience withdrawals. Observe how you feel when you are hungry and see if the symptoms go away after a time. True hunger cannot wait, but a false hunger will disappear when left alone.

Thanks for reading!

Flower Faeirie

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This is 💯 facts!!! America hunger = muchies + cravings.

[or i could be wrong]. Stay blessed

Nah you're not wrong. It's just a weird and new concept for most people. Cheers!

great topic! I can say this is true in my experience.