Restless Leg Syndrome- Yes it's a BIG thing!

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

I started with the symptoms around 5 years ago and I'm assuming it's when I started working from home and started to pile on the pounds, as it has been better of late since I lost a few. Pounds I mean...not legs...that's a bit drastic although at times I would happily have had mine chopped off! 

My restless leg is not a pain. It doesn't hurt like a cut or a broken leg. It is an irritation. Imagine having 100 ants crawling over you and you cant get them off. Sounds dramatic but it can be that bad. I watched a program a few weeks back where a man trapped his feet in the door repeatedly so he could get the pain to relieve the restless leg symptoms. 

Sounds bonkers but I totally get it and I'm sad to say have tried it myself.

Restless legs can sometimes be accompanied by other disorders or can be there without really having a primary cause. My doctor prescribes muscle relaxant which in all honesty I don't like to take.  

My symptoms

  • A vibration under my feet, legs arms and hands. Doesn't just stay in the legs unfortunately
  • Spasm's. I have kicked my husband in the head before. Accidently of course. Could have been a stunt double  for Jackie Chan although I look nothing like him.
  • A persistent need to walk about, stretch or fidget. I fidget alot.
  • Cannot lie still in bed

What triggers it?

It is hard to say but most of the time its through over exercising, or lack of exercising. I know sounds contradictory, but it is as if it needs a balance. Stess and being tense. Driving for long periods get me twitching also. Heat & insomnia.

How I suppress it

  • Ice pads or legs. Hands
  • Keeping cool and watching my body temperature helps
  • Binding my legs together (My husband has to wrap his legs around mine sometimes to stop the twitching as pressure can help- strangely!)
  • Going to bed when tired
  • Good posture- Aching bones and restless leg is not a good combination!
  • Lying down on a cool leather sofa
  • Do not exercise to extreme or sit for too long
  • Attempt to control my diet

It is hard because I had to explain over and over to my husband why I get out of bed in the night. It was hard to not take it personally at first but luckily he understands now and has bought me various pillows and ice packs to help.

If you have this terrible condition I feel for you as it's bloody hard to explain!

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"I have kicked my husband in the head before." - must be pretty sweet to blame it on a condition. :D

  • Seriously though, I think I have it too, and in my case, if I do regular HIIT exercises, it seems to go away completely.

Yes he believes tha 'accident'haha. It could be its more common than people think and excerise is a big trigger or lack of !

My mother in law has the same problem, only found out a few months ago that Oxpola,125mg pills work like you wont believe for her. She was driving us round the bend and no one knew how to help her. My chemist says he has the same and unfortuantely you need a script. But for the first time in years we are getting some sleep because she is not complaining about her legs. Hope this will help a little.

Oh bless your mother in law. It truly is awful glad she has something that works!

You should really try it, she is 95 and we never knew what the problem was now it has stopped.

Will mention it to my doc....thank you so much

This is usually caused from a magnesium deficiency. I know because I went through this for a long time. It started after I had a hyterectomy when I was 35 due to the shock of hormonal imbalance. Once I started learning about the imbalance of magnesium and the symptoms I figured it out. I consulted with a naturopath doctor. There are many ways to get magnesium and also different kinds of magnesium. Epsom Salts is magnesium sulfate and can relief symptoms temporarily. Magnesium Chloride stays in the body for longer periods of time so the body can use it. You can find Magnesium Chloride in some health food supply stores and I believe Amazon sells it as well. If you live near the ocean, go get in the water. That is the largest form of Magnesium we have on the planet. Magnesium usually comes in an oil form. It can be applied straight to the legs or bottom of the feet. The relief for me was immediate and I still use it. I'm not a doctor but I do know what worked for me. I hope this helps. Good luck on your journey of healing.

I think my magnesium levels are ok but that is good to knowso i can check if need be...thank you !

All the best

I just can't stop! The www is not helping.