Are you having difficulty remembering things ? Foods that burst your intelligence - 你難以記住事情嗎? 提高智力的食物

in health •  7 years ago 

 Cranberries -  蔓越莓  Cranberries  contain flavonoids that enhance memory, improve learning and other  cognitive functions, protect the brain from harmful substances that  damage healthy tissues and are often associated with memory loss, and  also help reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's  disease. 


Turmeric and flaxseed -  薑黃和亞麻籽   Researchers at the  University of California Alzheimer's Disease Research Center have found  that adding turmeric to your diet can keep your mind active because  turmeric contains curcumin, which helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer's  disease. Flax contains omega-3 fatty acids that help protect the brain  from Inflammation.

 加利福尼亞大學阿爾茨海默病研究中心的研究人員發現,添加薑黃可以保持你的思維活躍,因為薑黃含有薑黃素,有助於降低阿爾茨海默病的風險。 亞麻含有ω-3脂肪酸,有助於保護大腦免受炎症反應。 

 Spinach -  菠菜   Rich in  potassium that helps maintain electrical conductivity in the brain,  improve thinking ability and memory, and is rich in antioxidants with  some essential nutrients such as magnesium, folate, vitamin E and  vitamin K, which help reduce the risk of dementia.


 Salmon -  三文魚   The human brain is made  up of about 60% of fat, so it needs important fatty acids to function  well. Wild salmon is rich in omega fatty acids that help improve brain  capacity. It also contains docosahexanic acid to help improve blood flow  in the brain and prevent inflammation. , And reduces the incidence of Alzheimer's disease.

 人腦由約60%的脂肪組成,因此需要重要的脂肪酸才能發揮作用。 野生三文魚富含ω-脂肪酸,有助於提高大腦的能力。 它還含有二十二碳六烯酸,以幫助改善大腦中的血液流動並防止炎症。 ,並減少阿爾茨海默病的發病率。 

tomatoes -  番茄 Tomatoes  are excellent foods that promote the power of the brain. They are the  source of many powerful antioxidants and contain lycopene, which fights  the damage of brain cells, and it has been shown that those who consume  every day foods containing lycopene have a stronger memory than those  who do not. Tomatoes reduce the risk of stroke. 

 西紅柿是促進大腦功能的優質食品。 它們是許多強力抗氧化劑的來源,含有番茄紅素,能夠抵禦腦細胞的損害,並且已經表明,那些每天消耗含有番茄紅素的食物的記憶力比沒有人的記憶要強。 番茄減少中風的風險。 

 Walnut -  核桃   Nutmeg  is the most stimulating and powerful food for the brain. It contains  large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which have a protective effect on  the brain because they increase the workings of neurotransmitters,  enhance skills and strengthen memory, and also help to circulate oxygen  in the blood vessels. Of the brain. 

 肉荳蔻是大腦最刺激和強大的食物。 它含有大量的ω-3脂肪酸,對大腦具有保護作用,因為它們增加了神經遞質的運作,增強了技能並增強了記憶力,並且還有助於在血管中循環氧氣。 的大腦。 

 the source -  來源

 I have translated it from Arabic to English and from Arabic to Chinese 







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wow~~~~ looks very delicious.

You all thanks

wonderful post!!👍

Thank you

Greaaat 👍👍


thanks for the post!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
