The hidden sugar in the fruit

in health •  7 years ago 

Talking about sugar these days is at the heart of public health as well as mental health. All countries of the world seek to reduce the amount of sugar in food, monitor the food of school children in the primary stages and raise awareness of parents and mothers to encourage their children to avoid sugars and sweets from an early age. These recommendations are global in origin and since 1989 the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued recommendations that only 10% of every person's daily energy source should be sugar. These recommendations were revised in 2015 and the energy source of sugars was reduced to 5%. These recommendations are based on clear and low-level evidence:
1 Sugar consumption in children and adults is directly proportional to obesity

  1. Consumption of sugar in children and adults is directly proportional to tooth decay.
    During the Second World War, production and consumption of sugar decreased significantly from 15 kg per capita per year to 0.2 kg. Field studies in her days were indicative of a reduction in tooth decay clearly.

There is a clear difference in sugar consumption among the countries of the world. For example, sugar accounts for only 8 percent of the daily energy supply in Norway and Hungary and rises to 16 percent in Spain and Britain and 25 percent in Portugal. There is also a difference in consumption between rural and urban areas where it tends to rise in cities.

The consumption of sugar in the Arab world is not much different from the rest of the world and perhaps less than the Western world. Saudi Arabia leads the Arab countries in the consumption of sugar, which amounts to about 80 grams per day for every citizen and half in the United Arab Emirates and a quarter in Egypt.

But with the studies examined, we see that the consumption of sugar is not without distortion and focuses on raw sugar and added to soft drinks. But there is sugar in processed food and more so in fruits. This article addresses the hidden sugar in the fruit.

the fruit
People in the West are still reverberating the popular saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away from you." There are also general health recommendations for five pieces of fruit per day. There are 7 pieces of fresh fruit and vegetables daily.

No one is unaware of the nutritional health benefits of fruits that contain essential vitamins and minerals, but also sugars. The body contains stores to store the necessary foodstuffs, but the capacity of these stores is limited and if the person consumes more than what he needs daily, the fate of minerals and vitamins sometimes is to get rid of them with roles across the college. But there is also sugar in fruit, which is not calculated in many medical studies and the damage of this sugar is not less than the damage of sugar consumed with soft drinks, which you add to coffee and tea. A bottle of 333 ml liqueur with 8 sugar sticks. The large apple contains 4 lumps of sugar. In light of this consumption of two apples is equivalent to the consumption of the bottle containing the drink gas.

Polysaccharides are classified into monosodium, bipolar and polycyclic. Sugars found in fruits are of the first type and of two types:
Glucose is the first source of energy in the body.
2 Fructose, which is consumed by the liver first and if there is no need to use it as an energy source turns in the liver to fat.

Therefore, the excessive use of fruit or fruit juice is not less harmful than the use of soft drinks containing sugar and must be taken care of.

What advice?
1 The amount of sugar in a fruit varies from one class to another. The amount of sugar in bananas, cherries, pomegranates and grapes is more than the quantity in berries, melons and cranberries.
2 The more you leave the fruit to level and mature the higher the amount of sugar in it. Banana, which tends to green, is much better than yellow and avoided if its skin contains black lines.
3 Avoid juice and better Eat fresh fruit to get the fiber in addition to the speed of absorption of sugars is slow compared to the consumption of juice.
4 More than vegetables and you have lettuce and cucumber as an alternative to some pieces of fruit daily.

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